Forbidden Zkittlez » THC-Gehalt 13% | Alle Strain Infos | CBD-DEAL24 (2024)

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Forbidden Zkittlez » THC-Gehalt 13% | Alle Strain Infos | CBD-DEAL24 (2024)


Is Forbidden Zkittlez strain indica or sativa? ›

Forbidden Zkittlez is a rare slightly indica dominant hybrid strain (60% indica/40% sativa) created through crossing the classic Forbidden Fruit X Mendocino Royal X California Black Rose strains.

What strain is the forbidden fruit Skittles? ›

Forbidden Zkittlez is an Indica strain born from the cross of Forbidden Fruit x Mendo Royal x California Black Rose. It boasts tall, dense, bright green buds with sharply contrasting orange hairs.

What is the strength of Skittles strain? ›

Indica strains of Grape Ape and Purple Kush blend sweetly to form the Zkittlez weed strain. Each puff has a sweet delight and gives you a calming body high. With a strong 24% THC content and blooming within 9 weeks, this strain is perfect for growers seeking frequent harvests. It adapts well in indoors or outdoors.

Does Zkittlez strain get you high? ›

It is a balanced hybrid, meaning it has both indica and sativa effects. The high from Zkittlez can be described as uplifting yet relaxing, making it great for stress relief or just chilling out after a long day. Its THC content ranges from 15-20%, so it's not too strong but still provides an enjoyable experience.

Is Zkittlez strain good for pain? ›

Zkittlez is a popular strain of cannabis that's known for providing effective stress relief for both chronic and acute pain. Possessing a high CBD and THC content, it also helps reduce inflammation and relax muscles.

Is the forbidden fruit strain strong? ›

Forbidden Fruit offers substantial tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels, often around 25%, significantly higher than many other strains (cultivars). These levels send the body of its users into deep relaxation.

How does Skittles strain make you feel? ›

Skittles is a nicely balanced, indica-dominant hybrid with euphoric, relaxing, and uplifting effect. Smoke too much and you'll find yourself glued to the couch! It's a good way to unwind after work, to add color to a walk, to add spice to housework or to recover from a workout.

What does "forbidden fruit" mean in slang? ›

Definitions of forbidden fruit. noun. originally an apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden; it is now used to refer to anything that is tempting but dangerous (as sexuality) type of: enticement, temptation. something that seduces or has the quality to seduce.

Why is zkittlez so popular? ›

The world of cannabis is filled with a wide variety of strains, each with its own unique characteristics and effects. One strain that has gained immense popularity in recent years is Zkittlez. Known for its vibrant colors, fruity aroma, and potent effects, Zkittlez has become a favorite among cannabis enthusiasts.

Is zkittlez good for anxiety? ›

Zkittlez provides users with a calming and uplifting high. Zkittlez is known for providing its users with a gentle body buzz that helps to reduce stress and tension while enhancing moods. Zkittlez also produces an euphoric and creative effect, allowing the mind to wander without feeling overwhelmed or anxious.

What's the strongest strain out there? ›

5 Strongest Weed Strains
  1. Godfather OG. This is also listed as one of the strongest weeds available on other sites. ...
  2. Strawberry-Banana. This one is a sativa-dominant strain that is described as having a pleasant, fruity taste. ...
  3. Bruce Banner. ...
  4. Girl Scout Cookies (GSC) ...
  5. Gorilla Glue #4.
Jul 9, 2024

Is the forbidden strain a sativa or indica? ›

Forbidden Fruit is an indica-dominant strain that came about through the crossbreeding of Cherry Pie and Tangie strains.

Is Zkittles strain sativa or indica? ›

Zkittlez, sometimes also spelled Skittlez or just Skittles, is an indica-dominant hybrid that erupts with fruit flavor. The creation of Northern California-based collective Dying Breed Seeds, this strain is descended from fruity indica favorite Grape Ape and tangy sativa Grapefruit.

Is Forbidden Runtz strain indica or sativa? ›

Forbidden Runtz is an Indica-dominant Hybrid strain resulting from crossing Runtz with Forbidden Zkittlez. With dominant terpenes like Myrcene and Caryophyllene, it delivers euphoric and relaxed effects. Forbidden Runtz is often recommended for managing migraines, anxiety, and depression.

Is Forbidden Gelato strain indica or sativa? ›

Is Forbidden Gelato an indica or sativa? Forbidden Gelato is an indica strain.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.