Grand Theft Stellaris - Chapter 15 - Macavity116 (2024)

According to Alari tradition, the story goes like this:

“Three hundred years ago, Alari territory was a wild place on the outermost limits of Imperial territory. Our people fought with the Desstican Horde, a devouring swarm long since vanquished by the Holy Fevarian Empire. Amidst the chaos, opportunists found ways to make a living.

“Pirates plied the trade routes, taking civilian vessels and then ransoming the passengers back to the government. But one stood out among them: Vaki D’Jir.

“In a civilization ruled by men, Vaki D’Jir stood out as quite possibly the most powerful woman who ever lived. She seized control of her husband’s starship, theBlind Fury,after he was killed in a fight. Vaki kept the loyalties of her crew by using her husband’s loot to pay the crew a regular salary, something uncommon among pirates.

“The promise of regular pay brought more men to her side. Before long, Vaki D’Jir commanded more than one ship. An armada few a woman’s flag, in open defiance of Alarian social norms. Vaki’s fleet was so large that it was able to raid and loot entire planets, and even meet the Desstican Horde in battle with hopes of victory. There are rumors that her fleet once raided a planet controlled by the Horde.

Military fleets were dispatched to bring Vaki to justice. Professional warriors felt as though victory was guaranteed, because thousands of years of civilized society taught them a simple lesson: no woman could ever best a man on the field of battle. It was unthinkable.

“In their first meeting, Vaki D’Jir used strategies and tactics never imagined. The military found itself outmaneuvered and in danger of defeat. With their ships crippled and commanders humiliated, the professional armed forces were left with no choice but to retreat. Vaki’s fleet sustained minimal casualties, and the opposing commanders were forced to resign in shame.

“This battle repeated itself twice; each time Vaki and her fleet came away victorious. Yet the pirate fleet was sustaining losses. The Pirate Queen knew she would not be able to make war against the Imperial government and survive. Defeating Alaria was something she could do time and again. Defeating Aix was outside of her ability. So, Vaki decided to make a final stand on her own terms. She directed her fleet to the Fevarian Homeworld, Aix.

“When they arrived, Vaki’s fleet kept its guns aimed on the Imperial Capital while she presented her terms to the Galactic Emperor: All of the pirates serving in Vaki’s fleet would get amnesty, and be allowed to keep their spoils. Furthermore, Vaki would be allowed to keep her husband’s starship, theBlind Fury.The Galactic Emperor refused these terms outright, saying a woman would not command them.

“Vaki knew it would only be a short time before the full might of the Imperial Navy was brought down upon her, so she responded by ordering her fleet to open fire on the Capital. Nearly 250,000 Fevarians were killed during the ten-minute assault. When it was over, Vaki descended to the surface in a shuttlecraft, she entered the Imperial Palace, walked directly into the inner sanctum, and demanded to speak to the Galactic Emperor face-to-face.

“Vaki’s terms were unchanged. The Galactic Emperor accepted Vaki’s demands. A ransom was transferred to theBlind Fury,consisting of wealth and treasures taken directly from the Emperor’s personal treasury. Supposedly, there was so much cash, coins, jewels, trinkets, relics, artifacts, volatile motes, rare crystals, exotic gasses, living metal samples, nanite clusters, zro canisters, and other treasures aboard that theBlind Furycould barely move.

“Every pirate under Vaki’s command was pardoned by the Galactic Emperor. Every ship was given to the Imperial Military. Vaki kept theBlind Furyand its store to treasures. She departed Aix and kept her promise to the Galactic Emperor: In return for her own freedom, Vaki would return to Alaria and never depart her Homeworld again. TheBlind Furywas last seen entering the planet’s atmosphere and has not been heard from since.

“Vaki herself lived out her days in the small farming town of Nikalor. She married into the D’Kara clan, a family of Fanti ranchers. After her death, the D’Kara family abandoned their humble ranch and moved to the great city of Rattia. Since then, the D’Kara clan has lived comfortably on the vast riches inherited from Vaki D’Jir.”

“That is the story, is it not?” Said Okepi ins-Tebh, speaking in his guise as Topi om-Tet.

Standing opposite him in this bizarre courtroom, with the Alari National Congress as her audience, Cali D’Kara tried to gather her wits.

Okay, what the hell have I just gotten myself into?Cali asked herself.

Over the past two months, Cali and her friends had followed the Manifesti in the news. She knew that this ridiculous group of people hid their true intentions behind insane displays of chaotic performance. This was a show trial… but it had a purpose.

“The defense agrees with the prosecution,” Cali said slowly. “Nothing put forth so far is untrue. This is basic fact.”

From their podiums, Gar and Moka J’Bassim read a slip of paper together. Then Moka spoke:

“Vaki D’Jir is known to have committed the following crimes: abduction of Alari citizens and conscripting them into her navy. Enslaving both Alari and Fevarians and then selling them to parties unknown. Larceny, burglary, and piracy against both the State of Alaria and the Holy Fevarian Empire. Using weapons of mass destruction against the Throneworld Aix. Holding the Galactic Emperor for ransom; and finally, crashing a starship into a population center, the village of Nikalor.”

Cali could not help but notice that despite her efforts to portray herself as mature and grown-up, Moka’s voice instantly gave her away as an immature child. Moka struggled with some of the words and tripped over a few pronunciations. This gave Cali enough time to think.

Okay, they’re pointing out Vaki’s crimes against both Alaria and the Empire.Cali thought to herself.But they’re not actually charging her with a crime. Why?Over at the prosecution’s desk, Okepi started talking at length about how Cali’s guilt was established long before she died. It was proven by the fact that she forced the Galactic Emperor to pardon her. In the audience, Cali’s parents tried to interrupt the proceedings by shouting:

“Vaki is dead and gone! What’s the point? Why are we doing this!?”

As the bailiffs moved to ask the D’Kara parents to be silent, Cali turned to the judge(s). She needed to figure out what the Manifesti’s motive was here. Cali decided to press for more information, hiding her own machinations by playing along with the show trial as best she could.

“Your honor.” Cali said to the judges. “The story of Vaki D’Jir is a closed book. Three hundred years of death is not going to retroactively make her guilty or innocent of anything. The Defense moves to dismiss the case on those grounds.”

Out of the corner of her eye, Cali saw her parents cheering loudly in response.

Wait a minute… why would Mom and Dad approve of this?Cali asked herself.They were against the trial from the start.

In a moment, Cali got her answer. Gar J’Bassim shook his head.

“We must deny your motion, Defense,” Gar said. “This court was charged by the Alari National Congress to determine whether or not the space pirate Vaki D’Jir was sufficiently punished for her crimes. We have not done that yet.”

A charge ran through Cali’s body as the knowledge hit her.

Sufficiently punished…Vaki got a pardon. She was NEVER punished!This had to be it. This had to be the answer. Cali’s mind started to race as she thought about everything she knew about the Manifesti and their goals. Why would they want to put a dead pirate on trial, just to punish someone who was already dead?

While Cali was thinking, Okepi launched into his speech:

“Vaki D’Jir was motivated by selfish greed. She robbed tens of thousands of people of their lives and countless more of their livelihoods. She wrought destruction and misery upon the galaxy and was ultimately paid for her treachery. Atop all of this, Vaki’s descendants, the D’Kara family, has benefitted from her crimes for generations. Rin and Aris D’Kara used Vaki’s ill-gotten gains to enrich themselves and elevate their family above Alari society at the cost of those around them! Your honor, this is not justice! The prosecution calls for this court to sanction the D’Kara family, to punish them in D’Jir’s place!”

A huge cheer rose up from the audience. Cali looked around the Hall of Congress. Legislators and spectators alike stood up to cheer at Okepi’s request. At the same time, Cali’s parents were looking terrified. Their fear worked its way into Cali, and she understood.

The court was going to punish Vaki’s descendants in her place.Rin, Aris, and Cali were all about to become victims of the Manifesti Revolution, and its anti-aristocracy agenda.

Except…violence was not the Alari way. Harsh punishments in her society were rare, usually replaced with rehabilitation.Okepi knew that. He was born and raised in Alari space. He said so himself. Why was he calling for harsh punishment like this?

Okepi finished his speech by demanding the court punish Cali and her family. Then he looked at Cali, giving her a curious facial expression.

He wants me to do something really specific.Cali said to herself.He’s setting me up for something. Something that my parents don’t want. Does he think I would go along with it?

Cali latched onto this idea and decided to run with it.

“Your honor, the Defense understands the court’s desire to deliver proper justice.” Cali said. She spoke slowly, watching everyone’s reactions. “However, the defense is… obligated… to ask the court to consider a lighter, less harsh punishment that is not excessive.”

Cali’s optical implant captured several things at once: Her parents cheered. Several members of Congress applauded Cali’s statement. Cali’s plea for restraint was generally well-received.

“Perhaps,” Okepi was speaking a little more slowly. He was playing along. “The prosecution is interested in the defense’s proposal. So long as proper justice is delivered to those who suffered because of the D’Jir and D’Kara families, the prosecution is willing to consider a lighter punishment for both.”

Cali’s heart began to race. She was on the right track now, she knew it! This show trial was a setup, and its architects had a very specific outcome in mind. Okepi, the two judges, possibly even the Manifesti government itself were all trying to give Cali a chance to do something that her parents would oppose… something that she herself was already willing to go along with. Cali had a general idea of what that was, but now she needed to make absolutely certain.

“The defense is also interested in justice.” Cali said. “But is concerned about overstepping. The D’Kara family… my own… is a member of the aristocracy established by the Holy Fevarian Empire. I have no doubt that the Revolution has already done some of the court’s work for it.”

“The defense is correct.” Gar said. “The Alari aristocracy is abolished, and those who sought to horde our nation’s resources have been held accountable. Furthermore, several imperial-era laws have been repealed, and their associated traditions have been made an end of.”

Cali’s optical implants flicked back to the crowd. She spotted her friends, who were watching all of this play out, trying to figure out what was going on. Then she spotted her parents, who were silently pleading for Cali to “save them.” Finally, Cali saw Van B’Eren. He was seated between two armed guards, handcuffed and looking thoroughly defeated.

How did a man from a wealthy aristocratic family end up like that?Cali asked herself.Van’s family could solve any problem by throwing money at it.

And then the answer came to her. Cali faced the prosecutor’s desk, ready to make her move.

“The defense reminds the prosecution that harsh and cruel punishments are not socially acceptable in Alari culture.” Cali began. “However, there are methods that can simultaneously punish perpetrators and aid their victims. The defense asks the prosecution to consider this: Vaki D’Jir’s fortune, the ransom she took from the Throneworld, still exists. It is still in the D’Kara family’s possession. This is a known fact, Your Honor. The defense asks that all of Vaki D’Jir’s living descendants be spared imprisonment, forced labor, or any form of active punishment.”

Cali paused, using her implant to read the room as quickly as possible. Her parents and Van seemed to have guessed what she was about to say. They were going pale. Okepi was nodding very slowly. He knew what was coming and was on board with it.

The Manifesti had somehow managed to guess correctly.This was absolutely something Cali was willing to do.Full of confidence, Cali finished making her offer:

“In turn, the defense will consent to all of the D’Kara family’s financial assets being seized by the court… up to and including the starshipBlind Furyand its contents, which may then be returned to the citizens of Alaria.”

The court descended into an uproar that threatened to raise the roof. Cali’s parents screamed in despair. Manifestis cheered and whooped. Gar and Moka banged their gavels, calling for order.

“What is the prosecution’s response to the defense?” Moka asked.

Okepi allowed a smile to cross his face.

“The defense’s offer is agreeable, not just to the court, but to spacefaring society as a whole.” Okepi replied. “Three hundred years of injustice will be set right, especially for the descendants of people who were victimized by Vaki D’Jir, or taken advantage of by the Imperial aristocracy. Your Honor, the prosecution accepts the defense’s offer.”

Gar and Moka spoke to each other for just a moment before they slammed their gavels and announced their verdict:

“This court will impose a new sentence on Vaki D’Jir for the crimes of piracy, enslavement, and kidnapping: All of the assests previously owned by Vaki D’Jir and passed on to her descendants will be seized by the State of Alaria and used to pay reparations to victims of both herself and the Imperial aristocracy. There will be no active punishment for any of Vaki D’Jir’s living descendants, and all members of the D’Kara family shall be released from custody at once.”

This time, there was no stopping the massive celebration that erupted in and around the Alari National Congress.

Grand Theft Stellaris - Chapter 15 - Macavity116 (2024)
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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.