One Piece: Boundless - Chapter 7 - MythralLightning (2024)

Chapter Text


Blinding light. Lightning incarnate. Charging the enemy, the saw-shark fish-man. Guttural roaring. Face him. Facing him.

Ihate you. Youhurt my family. I’llkill you.

Hauntingly beautiful bronze eyes narrowed and seething with anger, bore into the fear-struck eyes of the fish-man, Arlong. The eyes pleaded for mercy to a girl who had none left to give.

Nefertari D. Vivian, living lightning, thrust her hands onto either side of Arlong’s skull. With anger hitherto undreamt of the girl roared violently as her body, made up of pure energy, began to overtake Arlong’s face and subsequently, his entire body.

The fish-man’s once clear screams began to bubble over from the gore of his melting flesh drowning him alive. His once predatory eyes charred and bubbled away into the recesses of his skull. The melting viscera splattered and popped, coating Vivi in the vile flesh but it simply evaporated against her lightning-charged form. Frothing at the mouth and spasming violently from the raw energy overload the once mighty body of Arlong the Saw collapsed into a heap of charred and smoking gore.

Vivi released her crackling hands from the vile pirate as she took a few distancing steps back. He is gone. He can never hurt her precious family again. She ended it. She killed him. Murdered him. Oh god. What had she done?

Bringing her hands to her eyes she could only see sparking violent energy. How does she stop it? How does she return to normal? Panic. Vivi began to panic. She felt her heart rate skyrocket well past the adrenaline threshold she once surfed. She couldn't turn back!

“Ugh!” “Woah!” “GAH!!”

A group of fish-men being barreled over by water stole her attention away from her panicking. She gawked at the spectacle and turned her attention to the back of the group and standing tall above all the other fish-men was a massive, rotund, tusked fish-man.

The fish-man wore an all-white traditional kimono with pink stars dotted all over the fabric. Draped across his shoulders was a deep black collared cape. Peeking out from under the kimono fabric, near the chest, was a deep crimson-colored sun tattoo. The gargantuan beast had hair that was jet black from the roots and faded into a brighter blonde. He had coiled sideburns, coiled eyebrows, and an angry expression etched deeply into his features.

She knew this fish-man. She had read about him in the papers. Knight of the Sea, Jinbe.

Vivi watched as his eyes scanned the area and spotted Nami. A brief flash of rage tinged the edges of his eyes but his gaze soon caught her own.

Oh no.

Jinbe suddenly moved toward her and in a blind panic, the energized girl put her hands up defensively only for a raging bolt of lightning to crack free from her fingertips. The bolt slammed into Jinbe’s face. The fish-man recoiled and clutched his left eye but still continued after her. She saw arm movement and quickly turned tail to flee.

“Wait!” his voice rang out gruffly.

No. She wouldn't wait. Not for him to kill her. Vivi ran and glided unevenly. The more she moved the greater the sparks of lightning eliminated from her body. She had to stop this somehow.


The tried and true way of taking down a devil fruit user. The rage of the Sea.

She felt tears beginning to form as they fell and evaporated uselessly against her searing skin. She sobbed violently and prayed to anyone that this would work. She didn't want to hurt anyone else. No one innocent.

Vivi flew through the thick woods until she saw a clearing ahead of her. She burst forth from the tree line and was greeted by the sight of the sea flowing inland to form a small cove. Salvation.

Or death.

Vivi knew what would happen the moment she touched the water. She didn't care. She simply wanted this power to end.

With that in mind, the frightened girl leaped up and soared through the air momentarily before plummeting into the watery depths with a steaming splash.

She felt the power leave her skin as well as her body. She attempted to move but her limbs felt anchor-like. She resounded to drowning and simply gazed upward to the surface of the water. Beautiful sunlight danced along the glistening sea waves giving her a beautiful show as she sunk into the dark abyss. She felt her eyes giving in as the echoing of her heartbeat began to slow in pace. Icy depth crept up on her but just as her vision had started to fade, she saw a shadowed figure disturb her show.

Damn. It had been so pretty.

The darkness was mildly comforting. A hell of a lot better than panicking about turning into living lightning. Vivi, for a moment, felt at peace in the dark abyss but found the calming, warm sensation interrupted by a staggering pain in her lungs.

She doubled over and felt her entire body light aflame as her midsection contorted violently. Her breathing ceased as she felt a rising flood forcefully ripping its way up from her stomach, into her chest, and disgustingly expunged out from her mouth.

Darkness melted away into bright debilitating light as she suddenly found herself conscious once more. The violent expunging of her body translated to the waking world as she rolled over into the sopping-wet grass beneath her and hurled up the contents of her innards. Sea water and bile.

Vivi couldn't find the strength to move much as she lay in the mess with a horrible burning pain in her chest and a throbbing ache in her temple. She attempted to open her eyes further but her vision was hazy and blurred everything together so she opted to just lie still.

She was alive. She was upset. Why was she upset about it? She didn't want to die but…the warmth and glow of the water as she sank felt so wonderful. Peaceful, even. Regardless, not much she could do about it now.

She is alive. She is no longer a danger to anyone and she had saved her family from any further threat of Arlong the Saw.

It had only cost her the innocence she prided herself on. She had taken a life. That would take some time to be alright with. No matter how evil the bastard had been.

Touch. She felt a large limb gently rub her small back and for a moment she tensed. The person comforting her must've noticed because the hand left just as quickly as it had arrived. She mustered her strength and forced herself to roll over onto her back to see her would-be savior.

A gentle tusked smile and a warm aura.

“J-Jinbe…?” Vivi managed to croak.

“Hello, princess. We’ve yet to formally meet. I am Jinbe of the Sun Pirates.” The whale shark fish-man bowed his head slightly.

Vivi attempted to sit herself upright but couldn't manage it. Jinbe kindly helped her up with a bracing hand and made sure she remained steady.

“You joined the Straw Hats. I remember reading about it in the papers. The helmsman of the Straw Hat Pirates.” She recounted.

“You are correct. Though I am currently the captain of the Sun Pirates, I am also a member of the Straw Hats. I suppose I have to wait a while to rejoin though, bwahaha!” Jinbe said, joyfully.

Vivi rubbed her eyes to clear her vision and when she was satisfied with her being able to see clearly once more she turned upward to face the large fish-man.

With her vision unimpeded she took notice of the raw pink lightning-shaped scar etched from Jinbe’s left sideburn to across his left eye, which he held shut.

“Oh no…Jinbe. Your eye! I’m…I’m so sorry!” Vivi frowned in concern.

“What? This old thing? Bah! Think nothing of it. You were in the midst of a devil fruit transformation. I know you didn't mean to do it.” Jinbe consoled Vivi as he smiled warmly.

“Devil fruit. Oh yeah, I guess I am a devil fruit user now. I wonder which one it was that I ate?”

“Do you remember what it looked like?” Jinbe asked.

Vivi closed her eyes and recalled her memory of the fruit falling from the grocery bag.

“Hmm, it was yellow with lightning-shaped barbs protruding from it.”

“Sounds like you ate the Rumble-Rumble fruit. Logia-type. You are now a Lightning Human able to create, control, and become lightning at will.” Jinbe explained.

“And the first thing I do with it is murder someone.”

Jinbe didn't respond to her. How could he? This was clearly something Vivi would need to work out on her own. First things first though.

“Where is my family? Nojiko, Nami, and my mom? I need to know if they're okay.” Vivi looked at Jinbe for answers.

“I am unsure of their condition. I came after you once I knew what you were likely trying to do. Come, let's go find them, together.”

Jinbe stood tall and Vivi attempted to do the same but her body felt too exhausted to comply.

“Jinbe? Can you please carry me?” She asked quietly.

Jinbe smiled and carefully scooped her small body up into his massive arms and off they went to find her family.

Vivi deduced that her mother and sister would likely have been taken to the clinic they had in the village. She also knew that Nojiko had likely made it there as well. She was worried though. Doctor Nako was definitely going to have his hands full treating their injuries.

Vivi must’ve visibly made a face because Jinbe spoke up not long after her thoughts had started to wander.

“They’ll be okay,” He smiled.

“How do you know?”

“Before I left to follow you, I told my trusted doctor, Aladine, to assist with Nami and Bell-mère.”

Vivi felt a little better at hearing that but still felt a pit forming in her stomach. She only got a glimpse of the full scale of damage that had been inflicted on her mother and sister but it didn't look okay.

Vivi saw the path ahead open into the main road of the village but she felt a cold sweat start to overtake her. She felt, gross, in her own skin and hated it.

“Wait, Jinbe…”

Jinbe did just that and looked at Vivi quizzically.

“What is the matter?”

Vivi took a deep breath, hoping it would calm her nerves. It did not.

“Did you…see what I did? To Arlong…?”

His turning of face didn't make her feel any better.

“I did.”

The silence that followed was heavy and uncomfortable. Vivi honestly contemplated hopping free from the fish-mans grip but ultimately didn't trust her own legs enough to carry her.

“It's not your fault, Vivi.”

Really? She was pretty sure she was in fact the one to fry the bastard.

“What I mean is, you had no other choice. Things are…different this time. He was more aggressive, more primal this time. He took Nami’s arm from her and shattered Bell-mère’s. It was, animalistic of him and not at all like the Arlong I once knew.” He sighed deeply and faced Vivi once more.

“You took his life to protect your family and there is nothing wrong with that. It will take some time to come to grips with having done it but in time, I promise, you will find peace.” He smiled gently and it was enough to remove the pit from Vivi’s stomach.

“T-thank you, Jinbe. You're very wise.” She smiled softly and the duo continued on their way to the clinic.


Vivi was tackled to the floor of the clinic by her fellow blue-haired sister, Nojiko.

“Nojiko! I’m so happy to see you're alright.” Vivi happily embraced her sister in a deep all-consuming hug and was suddenly startled by the shaking and sniffles she heard from Nojiko.

“I,” She stifles a sob with a sniffle, “I was so worried about you! I saw the villagers bring in Nami and Mom and you weren't there!” Nojiko openly broke into sobs. She clung to Vivi, almost as if she would simply disappear if she let go.

Vivi let her sob until it was all out of her system and they separated from the embrace. Nojiko took Vivi by the hand, pulled her to her feet, and led her to their family. All the while never once letting go of her hand.

The damage was hard to look at. Nami and Bell-mère were in two side-by-side cots. Their clothing had been replaced with medical gowns and they did a great job of highlighting the lasting damage.

Arlong had bit Nami’s left arm clean off of her just below the shoulder. It was currently wrapped in fresh gauze. Nami herself looked alright, all things considered. Her skin was pale and she was covered in sweat, likely her body fighting any infection and attempting to heal her wound. She didn't appear distressed though, which was a blessing.

Whether by pure coincidence or a sick twist of fate, Bell-mère’s left arm was also gone. Amputated at about the same spot Nami’s was bitten off. Vivi remembered the sick crunches that came from Arlong stomping on her arm. It made her want to cry, but she remained strong. Bell-mère was also asleep. Sweaty and pale too, a lot of that going around.

Doctor Nako and Doctor Aladine were conversing with one another in hushed voices when they finally noticed Nojiko and Vivi.

“Girls…I’m,” Doctor Nako seemed distraught, “I’m so sorry.”

Vivi knew not what specifically he was apologizing for. Regardless, she smiled as best she could and spoke.

“I’m just happy they're alive.”

Nojiko pulled Vivi in between the two cots to a chair where she was likely sitting before. She then turned away to leave.


The girl stopped at the entrance and turned back to Vivi.

“I just…need a minute.”

She left the room and not too long after, Jinbe entered.

“Jinbe,” Aladine spoke as he slithered over to his captain’s side and spoke to him quietly.

They separated after a moment and Alasine left the building as well.

Jinbe approached Doctor Nako and offered him his webbed hand.

“Doctor, we’ve yet to be introduced. I’m Jinbe, captain of the Sun Pirates.” Jinbe spoke politely.

“A pleasure, I’m Nako.”

“I apologize in advance if my presence is uncomfortable. A few people in the village have an aversion toward us, though it's understandable.”

The Doctor chuckled at his words.

“Arlong was a right ol’ bastard but I ain't gonna let it taint my view on fish-men.

Jinbe smiled at the response and turned to face Nami and Bell-mère.

“Aladine is going to work on a few basic prosthetics. They’ll be rudimentary but hopefully, a good start for them to get re-acclimatized.”

“Will you be staying long?” Vivi asked Jinbe.

“We will for a while. There is an uninhabited island not too far from here called Hinansho. I will lay claim to it. As a Warlord, I am within my right. I wish to strengthen fish-man bonds with humans and I think the Conomi Islands will be a good place to start. Plus, I want to be close by to train you. You're a devil fruit user now and you should know how to use your abilities.” He concluded.

“Right…” Vivi spoke absentmindedly.

“Vivi? Is everything alright?” Doctor Nako asked.

“Obviously not.” She snapped, more intense than she meant to.

Vivi sighed and fiddled with the edges of Nami’s blankets.

“Sorry, it's just that…so much has happened that it keeps slipping my mind that I ate a devil fruit.”

Doctor Nako and Jinbe share a look of worry and Doctor Nako is about to speak when Aladine enters the room once more.

“I’m sorry to intrude but, Doctor Nako, I could use your input on a few things regarding these prosthetics. Would you join me?”

“Of course. I’ll be right with you.”

Doctor Nako stood up and stretched his back out before approaching Vivi. He ruffles her blue hair and speaks softly.

“Everything will work out. Your mother and sister will both come out of this stronger. Have faith.”

Having said his piece, he made for the exit, sharing a nod to Jinbe on the way out. Now it was only them.


“You know what I have faith in, Jinbe?”

Jinbe shakes his head negatively.

“No, do tell.”

“I have faith that I will learn to master my newfound devil fruit powers and Nami will become stronger as well. We’ll become unstoppable, and in time, we will see Luffy again.” She spoke with a determined gaze.

Jinbe smiled. He liked the fire that Vivi displayed and he knew that everything would be alright.

“Yes. That is a great way of having faith. I will be sure to help you along the way.”

Vivi smiled at the fish-man and stood up quickly. She did a series of stretches and finally walked over to Jinbe.

“Well, no time like the present! Let’s get started!”

Business was booming!

In only eight years' time, the Conomi Islands had been transformed into a bustling fish-man trade center! Cocoyashi had expanded nearly ten-fold over the last eight years and as a result, it’s become home to many humans and fish-men.

There were some very outspoken awful people who made their unwanted opinions very known and had attempted to take action against Cocoyashi Village. Luckily, Warlord Jinbe was never too far and always helped out. Much like he was doing now!

“Nami! Put your back into your swings! Bolster your haki!”

“Vivi! Use your observation! Stop relying on brute force!”

Jinbe barked orders to his two students who were in the middle of a sparring session.

Vivi managed to dodge an oncoming swing aimed at her head. A massive metal axe coated in a black sheen flew by. She called upon her observation and noticed that Nami’s swing left her unguarded. Good.

Vivi quickly took the opening and co*cked her fist back, coating it in armament. She thrust her palm outward and nailed Nami in her left ribcage.

“Gah!” Nami audibly yelled as she fell back and hit the ground hard, her axe clattering away from her.

“Tsssss ahtatata….f*ck!” Nami whined as she clutched her now bruised ribs and rolled along the floor of the training arena.

“Andthat is why you must work on trying to maintain constant vigilance. In a real fight, that could have been your life.” Jinbe said.

Vivi approached her sister and offered her a hand, “That was still pretty damn good, Nami. Your haki usage is seriously scary! Devil fruit users beware.” She commented as she helped Nami back to her feet.

Much had changed in the eight years since Arlong’s attack.

Nami was now a strong capable fighter. She was well-built, bolstering a strong muscled, and hardened body, a far cry from what she was in the past. No less beautiful by any means, she was now just…a lot more intimidating. She had a few scars littered along her body but one along the right side of her toned stomach was especially grizzly. It was a lightning scar, an unfortunate accident from a spar with Vivi.

Her most prominent injury was attended to. She now wore a very polished and sturdy prosthetic arm. It was a very steampunk design but wasn't too bulky or detrimental to her frame. It was reinforced with a strong alloy, capable of deflecting incoming swords or even bullets!

Her outfit was a simple white tank top, cut off just a few inches above her belly button, a pair of black jeans that had been cut off at her thighs, with a pair of faded orange and white horizontal striped leggings underneath that extended all the way down to her dark brown heavy combat boots.

Strapped onto her belt were a pair of ornate compasses and a hand-woven emblem of the Straw Hat jolly roger, gifts from her sisters.

Nami rose to her feet and hefted up her massive broadaxe, resting it along her shoulder. Gone was the nimble three-piece Bo staff. In its place was this behemoth of a weapon.

“Damn right! The pirates aren't ready for the new and improved fighting navigator Nami!” Nami spoke boisterously as she grinned like a madwoman.

Gods help us, Vivi thought to herself.

“You’re ready too, right Vivi? Your haki is really improving and your proficiency with your devil fruit is getting super good!”

Vivi smiled confidently as she raised her hand, turning it into lightning, “Of course! I can’t wait to see the look on Luffy's face when he gets a load of me!”

Vivi now had a toned build of her own. Less raw muscle, much like Nami, and instead had a more refined swimmer-esque physique. She had a handful of her own scars but none very noteworthy.

Her hair was not as long as she once had it in her previous life. It was now a wavy neck-length cut with some of it tucked around her ears, and two long strands framing her face.

Her outfit was simple. It was an all-black sleeveless jumpsuit made from denim. The ends of the pants flared open to show a peek of her dark brown cowboy boots. She had no visible weapons upon her.

She did however share something in common with her sister.

Both of them sported a dark blue tattoo of sorts. Nami had her original tattoo from her previous life, only it was now on her right shoulder seeing as her left shoulder was scarred from her surprise amputation.

Vivi had a similar design but it instead covered her entire right arm from her wrist up to her shoulder and even went under her jumpsuit.

“I’m so excited! It’s a little past when he was here originally but I know he’s coming!” Nami spoke happily.

“Of course! He probably got a little turned around is all. He’ll be here for you, his navigator, and me as well! Luffy will be here soon.” Vivi spoke with a heavy smile on her face.

The two sisters had grown into powerful young women, very eager to get back onto the high seas. All they needed to do now was wait for their Captain.

One Piece: Boundless - Chapter 7 - MythralLightning (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.