same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ... · n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (2024)

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (1)

n / A triangular pulse spreads out.

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4is an acceleration produced. In these examples, the vector sum ofthe two forces acting on the central mass is not zero. The impor-tant concept is that curvature makes force: the curved areas of awave tend to experience forces resulting in an acceleration towardthe mouth of the curve. Note, however, that an uncurved portionof the string need not remain motionless. It may move at constantvelocity to either side.

Approximate treatment

We now carry out an approximate treatment of the speed atwhich two pulses will spread out from an initial indentation on astring. For simplicity, we imagine a hammer blow that creates a tri-angular dent, n/1. We will estimate the amount of time, t, requireduntil each of the pulses has traveled a distance equal to the widthof the pulse itself. The velocity of the pulses is then ±w/t.

As always, the velocity of a wave depends on the properties ofthe medium, in this case the string. The properties of the string canbe summarized by two variables: the tension, T , and the mass perunit length, µ (Greek letter mu).

If we consider the part of the string encompassed by the initialdent as a single object, then this object has a mass of approxi-mately µw (mass/length × length = mass). (Here, and throughoutthe derivation, we assume that h is much less than w, so that we canignore the fact that this segment of the string has a length slightlygreater than w.) Although the downward acceleration of this seg-ment of the string will be neither constant over time nor uniformacross the string, we will pretend that it is constant for the sake ofour simple estimate. Roughly speaking, the time interval betweenn/1 and 2 is the amount of time required for the initial dent to accel-erate from rest and reach its normal, flattened position. Of coursethe tip of the triangle has a longer distance to travel than the edges,but again we ignore the complications and simply assume that thesegment as a whole must travel a distance h. Indeed, it might seemsurprising that the triangle would so neatly spring back to a per-fectly flat shape. It is an experimental fact that it does, but ouranalysis is too crude to address such details.

The string is kinked, i.e., tightly curved, at the edges of thetriangle, so it is here that there will be large forces that do notcancel out to zero. There are two forces acting on the triangularhump, one of magnitude T acting down and to the right, and oneof the same magnitude acting down and to the left. If the angleof the sloping sides is θ, then the total force on the segment equals2T sin θ. Dividing the triangle into two right triangles, we see thatsin θ equals h divided by the length of one of the sloping sides. Sinceh is much less than w, the length of the sloping side is essentially

Section 19.2 Waves on a string 501

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (2)

the same as w/2, so we have sin θ = 2h/w, and F = 4Th/w. Theacceleration of the segment (actually the acceleration of its centerof mass) is

a = F/m

= 4Th/µw2.

The time required to move a distance h under constant accelerationa is found by solving h = 1

2at2 to yield

t =



= w



Our final result for the velocity of the pulses is

|v| = w





The remarkable feature of this result is that the velocity of thepulses does not depend at all on w or h, i.e., any triangular pulsehas the same speed. It is an experimental fact (and we will alsoprove rigorously in the following subsection) that any pulse of anykind, triangular or otherwise, travels along the string at the samespeed. Of course, after so many approximations we cannot expectto have gotten all the numerical factors right. The correct result forthe velocity of the pulses is

v =



The importance of the above derivation lies in the insight itbrings —that all pulses move with the same speed — rather than inthe details of the numerical result. The reason for our too-high valuefor the velocity is not hard to guess. It comes from the assumptionthat the acceleration was constant, when actually the total force onthe segment would diminish as it flattened out.

Rigorous derivation using calculus (optional)

After expending considerable effort for an approximate solution,we now display the power of calculus with a rigorous and completelygeneral treatment that is nevertheless much shorter and easier. Letthe flat position of the string define the x axis, so that y measureshow far a point on the string is from equilibrium. The motion ofthe string is characterized by y(x, t), a function of two variables.Knowing that the force on any small segment of string depends

502 Chapter 19 Free Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (3)

on the curvature of the string in that area, and that the secondderivative is a measure of curvature, it is not surprising to find thatthe infinitesimal force dF acting on an infinitesimal segment dx isgiven by

dF = Td2 y


(This can be proved by vector addition of the two infinitesimal forcesacting on either side.) The acceleration is then a = dF/ dm, or,substituting dm = µdx,

d2 y



d2 y


The second derivative with respect to time is related to the secondderivative with respect to position. This is no more than a fancymathematical statement of the intuitive fact developed above, thatthe string accelerates so as to flatten out its curves.

Before even bothering to look for solutions to this equation, wenote that it already proves the principle of superposition, becausethe derivative of a sum is the sum of the derivatives. Therefore thesum of any two solutions will also be a solution.

Based on experiment, we expect that this equation will be sat-isfied by any function y(x, t) that describes a pulse or wave patternmoving to the left or right at the correct speed v. In general, sucha function will be of the form y = f(x− vt) or y = f(x+ vt), wheref is any function of one variable. Because of the chain rule, eachderivative with respect to time brings out a factor of ±v. Evaluatingthe second derivatives on both sides of the equation gives

(±v)2 f ′′ =T

µf ′′.

Squaring gets rid of the sign, and we find that we have a validsolution for any function f , provided that v is given by

v =



Section 19.2 Waves on a string 503

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (4)

Significance of the result

This specific result for the speed of waves on a string, v =√T/µ,

is utterly unimportant. Don’t memorize it. Don’t take notes on it.Try to erase it from your memory.

What is important about this result is that it is an example oftwo things that are usually true, at least approximately, for mechan-ical waves in general:

1. The speed at which a wave moves does not depend on the sizeor shape of the wave.

2. The speed of a mechanical wave depends on a combinationof two properties of the medium: some measure of its inertiaand some measure of its tightness, i.e., the strength of the forcetrying to bring the medium back toward equilibrium.

self-check B(a) What is it about the equation v =

√T/µ that relates to fact 1 above?

(b) In the equation v =√

T/µ, which variable is a measure of inertia,and which is a measure of tightness? (c) Now suppose that we producecompressional wave pulses in a metal rod by tapping the end of therod with a hammer. What physical properties of the rod would playthe roles of inertia and tightness? How would you expect the speed ofcompressional waves in lead to compare with their speed in aluminum?. Answer, p. 568

19.3 Sound and light wavesSound waves

The phenomenon of sound is easily found to have all the char-acteristics we expect from a wave phenomenon:

• Sound waves obey superposition. Sounds do not knock othersounds out of the way when they collide, and we can hear morethan one sound at once if they both reach our ear simultane-ously.

• The medium does not move with the sound. Even standingin front of a titanic speaker playing earsplitting music, we donot feel the slightest breeze.

• The velocity of sound depends on the medium. Sound travelsfaster in helium than in air, and faster in water than in helium.Putting more energy into the wave makes it more intense, notfaster. For example, you can easily detect an echo when youclap your hands a short distance from a large, flat wall, andthe delay of the echo is no shorter for a louder clap.

504 Chapter 19 Free Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (5)

Although not all waves have a speed that is independent of theshape of the wave, and this property therefore is irrelevant to ourcollection of evidence that sound is a wave phenomenon, sound doesnevertheless have this property. For instance, the music in a largeconcert hall or stadium may take on the order of a second to reachsomeone seated in the nosebleed section, but we do not notice orcare, because the delay is the same for every sound. Bass, drums,and vocals all head outward from the stage at 340 m/s, regardlessof their differing wave shapes.

If sound has all the properties we expect from a wave, then whattype of wave is it? It must be a vibration of a physical medium suchas air, since the speed of sound is different in different media, suchas helium or water. Further evidence is that we don’t receive soundsignals that have come to our planet through outer space. The roarsand whooshes of Hollywood’s space ships are fun, but scientificallywrong.1

We can also tell that sound waves consist of compressions andexpansions, rather than sideways vibrations like the shimmying of asnake. Only compressional vibrations would be able to cause youreardrums to vibrate in and out. Even for a very loud sound, thecompression is extremely weak; the increase or decrease comparedto normal atmospheric pressure is no more than a part per million.Our ears are apparently very sensitive receivers! Unlike a wave on astring, which vibrates in the direction perpendicular to the directionin which the wave pattern moves, a sound wave is a longitudinalwave, i.e., one in which the vibration is forward and backward alongthe direction of motion.

Light waves

Entirely similar observations lead us to believe that light is awave, although the concept of light as a wave had a long and tortu-ous history. It is interesting to note that Isaac Newton very influen-tially advocated a contrary idea about light. The belief that matterwas made of atoms was stylish at the time among radical thinkers(although there was no experimental evidence for their existence),and it seemed logical to Newton that light as well should be made oftiny particles, which he called corpuscles (Latin for “small objects”).Newton’s triumphs in the science of mechanics, i.e., the study ofmatter, brought him such great prestige that nobody bothered to

1Outer space is not a perfect vacuum, so it is possible for sounds waves totravel through it. However, if we want to create a sound wave, we typically doit by creating vibrations of a physical object, such as the sounding board of aguitar, the reed of a saxophone, or a speaker cone. The lower the density of thesurrounding medium, the less efficiently the energy can be converted into soundand carried away. An isolated tuning fork, left to vibrate in interstellar space,would dissipate the energy of its vibration into internal heat at a rate manyorders of magnitude greater than the rate of sound emission into the nearlyperfect vacuum around it.

Section 19.3 Sound and light waves 505

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (6)

question his incorrect theory of light for 150 years. One persua-sive proof that light is a wave is that according to Newton’s theory,two intersecting beams of light should experience at least some dis-ruption because of collisions between their corpuscles. Even if thecorpuscles were extremely small, and collisions therefore very infre-quent, at least some dimming should have been measurable. In fact,very delicate experiments have shown that there is no dimming.

The wave theory of light was entirely successful up until the 20thcentury, when it was discovered that not all the phenomena of lightcould be explained with a pure wave theory. It is now believed thatboth light and matter are made out of tiny chunks which have bothwave and particle properties. For now, we will content ourselveswith the wave theory of light, which is capable of explaining a greatmany things, from cameras to rainbows.

If light is a wave, what is waving? What is the medium thatwiggles when a light wave goes by? It isn’t air. A vacuum is impen-etrable to sound, but light from the stars travels happily throughzillions of miles of empty space. Light bulbs have no air inside them,but that doesn’t prevent the light waves from leaving the filament.For a long time, physicists assumed that there must be a mysteriousmedium for light waves, and they called it the aether (not to beconfused with the chemical). Supposedly the aether existed every-where in space, and was immune to vacuum pumps. The details ofthe story are more fittingly reserved for later in this course, but theend result was that a long series of experiments failed to detect anyevidence for the aether, and it is no longer believed to exist. Instead,light can be explained as a wave pattern made up of electrical andmagnetic fields.

506 Chapter 19 Free Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (7)

o / A graph of pressure ver-sus time for a periodic soundwave, the vowel “ah.”

p / A similar graph for a non-periodic wave, “sh.”

q / A strip chart recorder.

19.4 Periodic wavesPeriod and frequency of a periodic wave

You choose a radio station by selecting a certain frequency. Wehave already defined period and frequency for vibrations, but whatdo they signify in the case of a wave? We can recycle our previousdefinition simply by stating it in terms of the vibrations that thewave causes as it passes a receiving instrument at a certain pointin space. For a sound wave, this receiver could be an eardrum ora microphone. If the vibrations of the eardrum repeat themselvesover and over, i.e., are periodic, then we describe the sound wavethat caused them as periodic. Likewise we can define the periodand frequency of a wave in terms of the period and frequency ofthe vibrations it causes. As another example, a periodic water wavewould be one that caused a rubber duck to bob in a periodic manneras they passed by it.

The period of a sound wave correlates with our sensory impres-sion of musical pitch. A high frequency (short period) is a high note.The sounds that really define the musical notes of a song are onlythe ones that are periodic. It is not possible to sing a non-periodicsound like “sh” with a definite pitch.

The frequency of a light wave corresponds to color. Violet is thehigh-frequency end of the rainbow, red the low-frequency end. Acolor like brown that does not occur in a rainbow is not a periodiclight wave. Many phenomena that we do not normally think of aslight are actually just forms of light that are invisible because theyfall outside the range of frequencies our eyes can detect. Beyond thered end of the visible rainbow, there are infrared and radio waves.Past the violet end, we have ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays.

Graphs of waves as a function of position

Some waves, like sound waves, are easy to study by placing adetector at a certain location in space and studying the motion asa function of time. The result is a graph whose horizontal axis istime. With a water wave, on the other hand, it is simpler just tolook at the wave directly. This visual snapshot amounts to a graphof the height of the water wave as a function of position. Any wavecan be represented in either way.

An easy way to visualize this is in terms of a strip chart recorder,an obsolescing device consisting of a pen that wiggles back and forthas a roll of paper is fed under it. It can be used to record a per-son’s electrocardiogram, or seismic waves too small to be felt as anoticeable earthquake but detectable by a seismometer. Taking theseismometer as an example, the chart is essentially a record of theground’s wave motion as a function of time, but if the paper was setto feed at the same velocity as the motion of an earthquake wave, it

Section 19.4 Periodic waves 507

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (8)

r / A water wave profile cre-ated by a series of repeatingpulses.

would also be a full-scale representation of the profile of the actualwave pattern itself. Assuming, as is usually the case, that the wavevelocity is a constant number regardless of the wave’s shape, know-ing the wave motion as a function of time is equivalent to knowingit as a function of position.


Any wave that is periodic will also display a repeating patternwhen graphed as a function of position. The distance spanned byone repetition is referred to as one wavelength. The usual notationfor wavelength is λ, the Greek letter lambda. Wavelength is to spaceas period is to time.

s / Wavelengths of linear and circular water waves.

Wave velocity related to frequency and wavelength

Suppose that we create a repetitive disturbance by kicking thesurface of a swimming pool. We are essentially making a series ofwave pulses. The wavelength is simply the distance a pulse is able totravel before we make the next pulse. The distance between pulsesis λ, and the time between pulses is the period, T , so the speed ofthe wave is the distance divided by the time,

v = λ/T .

This important and useful relationship is more commonly writ-ten in terms of the frequency,

v = fλ.

508 Chapter 19 Free Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (9)

u / A water wave travelinginto a region with a differentdepth changes its wavelength.

Wavelength of radio waves example 5. The speed of light is 3.0 × 108 m/s. What is the wavelength ofthe radio waves emitted by KMHD, a station whose frequency is89.1 MHz?

. Solving for wavelength, we have

λ = v/f

= (3.0× 108 m/s)/(89.1× 106 s−1)= 3.4 m

The size of a radio antenna is closely related to the wavelength ofthe waves it is intended to receive. The match need not be exact(since after all one antenna can receive more than one wave-length!), but the ordinary “whip” antenna such as a car’s is 1/4 ofa wavelength. An antenna optimized to receive KMHD’s signalwould have a length of 3.4 m/4 = 0.85 m.

t / Ultrasound, i.e., sound with fre-quencies higher than the rangeof human hearing, was used tomake this image of a fetus. Theresolution of the image is re-lated to the wavelength, sincedetails smaller than about onewavelength cannot be resolved.High resolution therefore requiresa short wavelength, correspond-ing to a high frequency.

The equation v = fλ defines a fixed relationship between any twoof the variables if the other is held fixed. The speed of radio wavesin air is almost exactly the same for all wavelengths and frequencies(it is exactly the same if they are in a vacuum), so there is a fixedrelationship between their frequency and wavelength. Thus we cansay either “Are we on the same wavelength?” or “Are we on thesame frequency?”

A different example is the behavior of a wave that travels froma region where the medium has one set of properties to an areawhere the medium behaves differently. The frequency is now fixed,

Section 19.4 Periodic waves 509

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (10)

because otherwise the two portions of the wave would otherwiseget out of step, causing a kink or discontinuity at the boundary,which would be unphysical. (A more careful argument is that akink or discontinuity would have infinite curvature, and waves tendto flatten out their curvature. An infinite curvature would flattenout infinitely fast, i.e., it could never occur in the first place.) Sincethe frequency must stay the same, any change in the velocity thatresults from the new medium must cause a change in wavelength.

The velocity of water waves depends on the depth of the water,so based on λ = v/f , we see that water waves that move into aregion of different depth must change their wavelength, as shown infigure u. This effect can be observed when ocean waves come up tothe shore. If the deceleration of the wave pattern is sudden enough,the tip of the wave can curl over, resulting in a breaking wave.

A note on dispersive wavesThe discussion of wave velocity given here is actually an oversimplifi-cation for a wave whose velocity depends on its frequency and wave-length. Such a wave is called a dispersive wave. Nearly all the waveswe deal with in this course are non-dispersive, but the issue becomesimportant in quantum physics, as discussed in more detail in optionalsection 35.2.

Sinusoidal waves

Sinusoidal waves are the most important special case of periodicwaves. In fact, many scientists and engineers would be uncomfort-able with defining a waveform like the “ah” vowel sound as havinga definite frequency and wavelength, because they consider onlysine waves to be pure examples of a certain frequency and wave-lengths. Their bias is not unreasonable, since the French mathe-matician Fourier showed that any periodic wave with frequency fcan be constructed as a superposition of sine waves with frequenciesf , 2f , 3f , ... In this sense, sine waves are the basic, pure buildingblocks of all waves. (Fourier’s result so surprised the mathematicalcommunity of France that he was ridiculed the first time he publiclypresented his theorem.)

However, what definition to use is a matter of utility. Our senseof hearing perceives any two sounds having the same period as pos-sessing the same pitch, regardless of whether they are sine wavesor not. This is undoubtedly because our ear-brain system evolvedto be able to interpret human speech and animal noises, which areperiodic but not sinusoidal. Our eyes, on the other hand, judge acolor as pure (belonging to the rainbow set of colors) only if it is asine wave.

510 Chapter 19 Free Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (11)

v / The pattern of waves madeby a point source moving to theright across the water. Notethe shorter wavelength of theforward-emitted waves andthe longer wavelength of thebackward-going ones.

Discussion question

A Suppose we superimpose two sine waves with equal amplitudesbut slightly different frequencies, as shown in the figure. What will thesuperposition look like? What would this sound like if they were soundwaves?

19.5 The Doppler effect

Figure v shows the wave pattern made by the tip of a vibratingrod which is moving across the water. If the rod had been vibratingin one place, we would have seen the familiar pattern of concentriccircles, all centered on the same point. But since the source ofthe waves is moving, the wavelength is shortened on one side andlengthened on the other. This is known as the Doppler effect.

Note that the velocity of the waves is a fixed property of themedium, so for example the forward-going waves do not get an extraboost in speed as would a material object like a bullet being shotforward from an airplane.

We can also infer a change in frequency. Since the velocity isconstant, the equation v = fλ tells us that the change in wave-length must be matched by an opposite change in frequency: higherfrequency for the waves emitted forward, and lower for the onesemitted backward. The frequency Doppler effect is the reason forthe familiar dropping-pitch sound of a race car going by. As the carapproaches us, we hear a higher pitch, but after it passes us we heara frequency that is lower than normal.

The Doppler effect will also occur if the observer is moving butthe source is stationary. For instance, an observer moving toward astationary source will perceive one crest of the wave, and will then besurrounded by the next crest sooner than she otherwise would have,because she has moved toward it and hastened her encounter withit. Roughly speaking, the Doppler effect depends only the relativemotion of the source and the observer, not on their absolute stateof motion (which is not a well-defined notion in physics) or on theirvelocity relative to the medium.

Restricting ourselves to the case of a moving source, and to wavesemitted either directly along or directly against the direction of mo-tion, we can easily calculate the wavelength, or equivalently thefrequency, of the Doppler-shifted waves. Let v be the velocity ofthe waves, and vs the velocity of the source. The wavelength of the

Section 19.5 The Doppler effect 511

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (12)

w / Example 8. A Dopplerradar image of Hurricane Katrina,in 2005.

forward-emitted waves is shortened by an amount vsT equal to thedistance traveled by the source over the course of one period. Usingthe definition f = 1/T and the equation v = fλ, we find for thewavelength of the Doppler-shifted wave the equation

λ′ =(

1− vsv


A similar equation can be used for the backward-emitted waves, butwith a plus sign rather than a minus sign.

Doppler-shifted sound from a race car example 6. If a race car moves at a velocity of 50 m/s, and the velocity ofsound is 340 m/s, by what percentage are the wavelength andfrequency of its sound waves shifted for an observer lying alongits line of motion?

. For an observer whom the car is approaching, we find

1− vs

v= 0.85,

so the shift in wavelength is 15%. Since the frequency is inverselyproportional to the wavelength for a fixed value of the speed ofsound, the frequency is shifted upward by

1/0.85 = 1.18,

i.e., a change of 18%. (For velocities that are small comparedto the wave velocities, the Doppler shifts of the wavelength andfrequency are about the same.)

Doppler shift of the light emitted by a race car example 7. What is the percent shift in the wavelength of the light wavesemitted by a race car’s headlights?

. Looking up the speed of light, v = 3.0× 108 m/s, we find

1− vs

v= 0.99999983,

i.e., the percentage shift is only 0.000017%.

The second example shows that under ordinary earthbound cir-c*mstances, Doppler shifts of light are negligible because ordinarythings go so much slower than the speed of light. It’s a differentstory, however, when it comes to stars and galaxies, and this leadsus to a story that has profound implications for our understandingof the origin of the universe.

Doppler radar example 8The first use of radar was by Britain during World War II: anten-nas on the ground sent radio waves up into the sky, and detectedthe echoes when the waves were reflected from German planes.Later, air forces wanted to mount radar antennas on airplanes,

512 Chapter 19 Free Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (13)

x / The galaxy M51. Underhigh magnification, the milkyclouds reveal themselves to becomposed of trillions of stars.

but then there was a problem, because if an airplane wanted todetect another airplane at a lower altitude, it would have to aimits radio waves downward, and then it would get echoes fromthe ground. The solution was the invention of Doppler radar, inwhich echoes from the ground were differentiated from echoesfrom other aircraft according to their Doppler shifts. A similartechnology is used by meteorologists to map out rainclouds with-out being swamped by reflections from the ground, trees, andbuildings.

Optional topic: Doppler shifts of lightIf Doppler shifts depend only on the relative motion of the source andreceiver, then there is no way for a person moving with the source andanother person moving with the receiver to determine who is movingand who isn’t. Either can blame the Doppler shift entirely on the other’smotion and claim to be at rest herself. This is entirely in agreement withthe principle stated originally by Galileo that all motion is relative.

On the other hand, a careful analysis of the Doppler shifts of wateror sound waves shows that it is only approximately true, at low speeds,that the shifts just depend on the relative motion of the source and ob-server. For instance, it is possible for a jet plane to keep up with its ownsound waves, so that the sound waves appear to stand still to the pilotof the plane. The pilot then knows she is moving at exactly the speedof sound. The reason this doesn’t disprove the relativity of motion isthat the pilot is not really determining her absolute motion but rather hermotion relative to the air, which is the medium of the sound waves.

Einstein realized that this solved the problem for sound or waterwaves, but would not salvage the principle of relative motion in the caseof light waves, since light is not a vibration of any physical medium suchas water or air. Beginning by imagining what a beam of light wouldlook like to a person riding a motorcycle alongside it, Einstein even-tually came up with a radical new way of describing the universe, inwhich space and time are distorted as measured by observers in differ-ent states of motion. As a consequence of this theory of relativity, heshowed that light waves would have Doppler shifts that would exactly,not just approximately, depend only on the relative motion of the sourceand receiver. The resolution of the motorcycle paradox is given in ex-ample 7 on p. 712, and a quantitative discussion of Doppler shifts oflight is given on p. 716.

The Big Bang

As soon as astronomers began looking at the sky through tele-scopes, they began noticing certain objects that looked like cloudsin deep space. The fact that they looked the same night after nightmeant that they were beyond the earth’s atmosphere. Not know-ing what they really were, but wanting to sound official, they calledthem “nebulae,” a Latin word meaning “clouds” but sounding moreimpressive. In the early 20th century, astronomers realized that al-though some really were clouds of gas (e.g., the middle “star” ofOrion’s sword, which is visibly fuzzy even to the naked eye whenconditions are good), others were what we now call galaxies: virtual

Section 19.5 The Doppler effect 513

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (14)

y / How do astronomers knowwhat mixture of wavelengths astar emitted originally, so thatthey can tell how much theDoppler shift was? This image(obtained by the author withequipment costing about $5, andno telescope) shows the mixtureof colors emitted by the starSirius. (If you have the book inblack and white, blue is on the leftand red on the right.) The starappears white or bluish-white tothe eye, but any light looks whiteif it contains roughly an equalmixture of the rainbow colors,i.e., of all the pure sinusoidalwaves with wavelengths lying inthe visible range. Note the black“gap teeth.” These are the fin-gerprint of hydrogen in the outeratmosphere of Sirius. Thesewavelengths are selectively ab-sorbed by hydrogen. Sirius is inour own galaxy, but similar starsin other galaxies would havethe whole pattern shifted towardthe red end, indicating they aremoving away from us.

z / The telescope at MountWilson used by Hubble.

island universes consisting of trillions of stars (for example the An-dromeda Galaxy, which is visible as a fuzzy patch through binoc-ulars). Three hundred years after Galileo had resolved the MilkyWay into individual stars through his telescope, astronomers real-ized that the universe is made of galaxies of stars, and the MilkyWay is simply the visible part of the flat disk of our own galaxy,seen from inside.

This opened up the scientific study of cosmology, the structureand history of the universe as a whole, a field that had not beenseriously attacked since the days of Newton. Newton had realizedthat if gravity was always attractive, never repulsive, the universewould have a tendency to collapse. His solution to the problem wasto posit a universe that was infinite and uniformly populated withmatter, so that it would have no geometrical center. The gravita-tional forces in such a universe would always tend to cancel out bysymmetry, so there would be no collapse. By the 20th century, thebelief in an unchanging and infinite universe had become conven-tional wisdom in science, partly as a reaction against the time thathad been wasted trying to find explanations of ancient geologicalphenomena based on catastrophes suggested by biblical events likeNoah’s flood.

In the 1920’s astronomer Edwin Hubble began studying theDoppler shifts of the light emitted by galaxies. A former collegefootball player with a serious nicotine addiction, Hubble did notset out to change our image of the beginning of the universe. Hisautobiography seldom even mentions the cosmological discovery forwhich he is now remembered. When astronomers began to study theDoppler shifts of galaxies, they expected that each galaxy’s directionand velocity of motion would be essentially random. Some would beapproaching us, and their light would therefore be Doppler-shiftedto the blue end of the spectrum, while an equal number would beexpected to have red shifts. What Hubble discovered instead wasthat except for a few very nearby ones, all the galaxies had redshifts, indicating that they were receding from us at a hefty frac-tion of the speed of light. Not only that, but the ones farther awaywere receding more quickly. The speeds were directly proportionalto their distance from us.

Did this mean that the earth (or at least our galaxy) was thecenter of the universe? No, because Doppler shifts of light onlydepend on the relative motion of the source and the observer. Ifwe see a distant galaxy moving away from us at 10% of the speedof light, we can be assured that the astronomers who live in thatgalaxy will see ours receding from them at the same speed in theopposite direction. The whole universe can be envisioned as a risingloaf of raisin bread. As the bread expands, there is more and morespace between the raisins. The farther apart two raisins are, thegreater the speed with which they move apart.

514 Chapter 19 Free Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (15)

Extrapolating backward in time using the known laws of physics,the universe must have been denser and denser at earlier and earliertimes. At some point, it must have been extremely dense and hot,and we can even detect the radiation from this early fireball, in theform of microwave radiation that permeates space. The phrase BigBang was originally coined by the doubters of the theory to make itsound ridiculous, but it stuck, and today essentially all astronomersaccept the Big Bang theory based on the very direct evidence of thered shifts and the cosmic microwave background radiation.

What the Big Bang is not

Finally it should be noted what the Big Bang theory is not. It isnot an explanation of why the universe exists. Such questions belongto the realm of religion, not science. Science can find ever simplerand ever more fundamental explanations for a variety of phenom-ena, but ultimately science takes the universe as it is according toobservations.

Furthermore, there is an unfortunate tendency, even among manyscientists, to speak of the Big Bang theory as a description of thevery first event in the universe, which caused everything after it.Although it is true that time may have had a beginning (Einstein’stheory of general relativity admits such a possibility), the methodsof science can only work within a certain range of conditions suchas temperature and density. Beyond a temperature of about 109

degrees C, the random thermal motion of subatomic particles be-comes so rapid that its velocity is comparable to the speed of light.Early enough in the history of the universe, when these temperaturesexisted, Newtonian physics becomes less accurate, and we must de-scribe nature using the more general description given by Einstein’stheory of relativity, which encompasses Newtonian physics as a spe-cial case. At even higher temperatures, beyond about 1033 degrees,physicists know that Einstein’s theory as well begins to fall apart,but we don’t know how to construct the even more general theoryof nature that would work at those temperatures. No matter howfar physics progresses, we will never be able to describe nature atinfinitely high temperatures, since there is a limit to the temper-atures we can explore by experiment and observation in order toguide us to the right theory. We are confident that we understandthe basic physics involved in the evolution of the universe starting afew minutes after the Big Bang, and we may be able to push back tomilliseconds or microseconds after it, but we cannot use the methodsof science to deal with the beginning of time itself.

Section 19.5 The Doppler effect 515

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (16)

aa / Shock waves from bythe X-15 rocket plane, flying at3.5 times the speed of sound.

ab / As in figure aa, this planeshows a shock wave. The suddendecompression of the air causeswater droplets to condense,forming a cloud.

Discussion questions

A If an airplane travels at exactly the speed of sound, what would bethe wavelength of the forward-emitted part of the sound waves it emitted?How should this be interpreted, and what would actually happen? Whathappens if it’s going faster than the speed of sound? Can you use this toexplain what you see in figure aa?

B If bullets go slower than the speed of sound, why can a supersonicfighter plane catch up to its own sound, but not to its own bullets?

C If someone inside a plane is talking to you, should their speech beDoppler shifted?

D The plane in figure ab was photographed when it was traveling ata speed close to the speed of sound. Comparing figures aa and ab, howcan we tell from the angles of the cones that the speed is much lower infigure ab?

516 Chapter 19 Free Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (17)

SummarySelected vocabularysuperposition . . the adding together of waves that overlap with

each othermedium . . . . . a physical substance whose vibrations consti-

tute a wavewavelength . . . . the distance in space between repetitions of a

periodic waveDoppler effect . . the change in a wave’s frequency and wave-

length due to the motion of the source or theobserver or both

Notationλ . . . . . . . . . . wavelength (Greek letter lambda)


Wave motion differs in three important ways from the motion ofmaterial objects:

(1) Waves obey the principle of superposition. When two wavescollide, they simply add together.

(2) The medium is not transported along with the wave. Themotion of any given point in the medium is a vibration about itsequilibrium location, not a steady forward motion.

(3) The velocity of a wave depends on the medium, not on theamount of energy in the wave. (For some types of waves, notablywater waves, the velocity may also depend on the shape of the wave.)

Sound waves consist of increases and decreases (typically verysmall ones) in the density of the air. Light is a wave, but it is avibration of electric and magnetic fields, not of any physical medium.Light can travel through a vacuum.

A periodic wave is one that creates a periodic motion in a receiveras it passes it. Such a wave has a well-defined period and frequency,and it will also have a wavelength, which is the distance in spacebetween repetitions of the wave pattern. The velocity, frequency,and wavelength of a periodic wave are related by the equation

v = fλ.

A wave emitted by a moving source will be shifted in wavelengthand frequency. The shifted wavelength is given by the equation

λ′ =(

1− vsv


where v is the velocity of the waves and vs is the velocity of thesource, taken to be positive or negative so as to produce a Doppler-lengthened wavelength if the source is receding and a Doppler-shortened one if it approaches. A similar shift occurs if the observer

Summary 517

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (18)

is moving, and in general the Doppler shift depends approximatelyonly on the relative motion of the source and observer if their ve-locities are both small compared to the waves’ velocity. (This is notjust approximately but exactly true for light waves, and as requiredby Einstein’s theory of relativity.)

518 Chapter 19 Free Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (19)

Problem 2.


A computerized answer check is available online.∫A problem that requires calculus.

? A difficult problem.

1 The following is a graph of the height of a water wave as afunction of position, at a certain moment in time.

Trace this graph onto another piece of paper, and then sketch belowit the corresponding graphs that would be obtained if

(a) the amplitude and frequency were doubled while the velocityremained the same;

(b) the frequency and velocity were both doubled while the ampli-tude remained unchanged;

(c) the wavelength and amplitude were reduced by a factor of threewhile the velocity was doubled.

Explain all your answers. [Problem by Arnold Arons.]

2 (a) The graph shows the height of a water wave pulse as afunction of position. Draw a graph of height as a function of timefor a specific point on the water. Assume the pulse is traveling tothe right.(b) Repeat part a, but assume the pulse is traveling to the left.(c) Now assume the original graph was of height as a function oftime, and draw a graph of height as a function of position, assumingthe pulse is traveling to the right.(d) Repeat part c, but assume the pulse is traveling to the left.Explain all your answers. [Problem by Arnold Arons.]

Problems 519

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (20)

Problem 3.

3 The figure shows one wavelength of a steady sinusoidal wavetraveling to the right along a string. Define a coordinate systemin which the positive x axis points to the right and the positive yaxis up, such that the flattened string would have y = 0. Copythe figure, and label with y = 0 all the appropriate parts of thestring. Similarly, label with v = 0 all parts of the string whosevelocities are zero, and with a = 0 all parts whose accelerationsare zero. There is more than one point whose velocity is of thegreatest magnitude. Pick one of these, and indicate the direction ofits velocity vector. Do the same for a point having the maximummagnitude of acceleration. Explain all your answers.

[Problem by Arnold Arons.]

4 (a) Find an equation for the relationship between the Doppler-shifted frequency of a wave and the frequency of the original wave,for the case of a stationary observer and a source moving directlytoward or away from the observer.

(b) Check that the units of your answer make sense.(c) Check that the dependence on vs makes sense.

5 Suggest a quantitative experiment to look for any deviationfrom the principle of superposition for surface waves in water. Makeit simple and practical.

6 The musical note middle C has a frequency of 262 Hz. Whatare its period and wavelength?

7 Singing that is off-pitch by more than about 1% sounds bad.How fast would a singer have to be moving relative to the rest ofa band to make this much of a change in pitch due to the Dopplereffect?

8 In section 19.2, we saw that the speed of waves on a stringdepends on the ratio of T/µ, i.e., the speed of the wave is greater ifthe string is under more tension, and less if it has more inertia. Thisis true in general: the speed of a mechanical wave always dependson the medium’s inertia in relation to the restoring force (tension,stiffness, resistance to compression,...). Based on these ideas, ex-plain why the speed of sound in air is significantly greater on a hotday, while the speed of sound in liquids and solids shows almost novariation with temperature.

520 Chapter 19 Free Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (21)

A cross-sectional view of a human body, showing the vocal tract.

Chapter 20

Bounded Waves

Speech is what separates humans most decisively from animals. Noother species can master syntax, and even though chimpanzees canlearn a vocabulary of hand signs, there is an unmistakable differencebetween a human infant and a baby chimp: starting from birth, thehuman experiments with the production of complex speech sounds.

Since speech sounds are instinctive for us, we seldom think aboutthem consciously. How do we control sound waves so skillfully?Mostly we do it by changing the shape of a connected set of hollowcavities in our chest, throat, and head. Somehow by moving theboundaries of this space in and out, we can produce all the vowelsounds. Up until now, we have been studying only those propertiesof waves that can be understood as if they existed in an infinite,open space. In this chapter we address what happens when a wave isconfined within a certain space, or when a wave pattern encountersthe boundary between two different media, as when a light wavemoving through air encounters a glass windowpane.


same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (22)

a / A diver photographed this fish,and its reflection, from underwa-ter. The reflection is the one ontop, and is formed by light wavesthat went up to the surface ofthe water, but were then reflectedback down into the water.

20.1 Reflection, transmission, and absorptionReflection and transmission

Sound waves can echo back from a cliff, and light waves arereflected from the surface of a pond. We use the word reflection,normally applied only to light waves in ordinary speech, to describeany such case of a wave rebounding from a barrier. Figure b showsa circular water wave being reflected from a straight wall. In thischapter, we will concentrate mainly on reflection of waves that movein one dimension, as in figure c.

Wave reflection does not surprise us. After all, a material objectsuch as a rubber ball would bounce back in the same way. But wavesare not objects, and there are some surprises in store.

First, only part of the wave is usually reflected. Looking outthrough a window, we see light waves that passed through it, but aperson standing outside would also be able to see her reflection inthe glass. A light wave that strikes the glass is partly reflected andpartly transmitted (passed) by the glass. The energy of the originalwave is split between the two. This is different from the behavior ofthe rubber ball, which must go one way or the other, not both.

Second, consider what you see if you are swimming underwaterand you look up at the surface. You see your own reflection. Thisis utterly counterintuitive, since we would expect the light waves toburst forth to freedom in the wide-open air. A material projectileshot up toward the surface would never rebound from the water-air

522 Chapter 20 Bounded Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (23)

b / Circular water waves arereflected from a boundary on thetop.

c / A wave on a spring, ini-tially traveling to the left, isreflected from the fixed end.

boundary! Figure a shows a similar example.

What is it about the difference between two media that causeswaves to be partly reflected at the boundary between them? Is ittheir density? Their chemical composition? Typically what mattersis the speed of the wave in the two media.1 A wave is partiallyreflected and partially transmitted at the boundary between media inwhich it has different speeds. For example, the speed of light wavesin window glass is about 30% less than in air, which explains whywindows always make reflections. Figures d/1 and 2 show examplesof wave pulses being reflected at the boundary between two coilsprings of different weights, in which the wave speed is different.

Reflections such as b and c, where a wave encounters a massivefixed object, can usually be understood on the same basis as caseslike d/1 and 2 later in this section, where two media meet. Examplec, for instance, is like a more extreme version of example d/1. If theheavy coil spring in d/1 was made heavier and heavier, it would endup acting like the fixed wall to which the light spring in c has beenattached.

self-check AIn figure c, the reflected pulse is upside-down, but its depth is just asbig as the original pulse’s height. How does the energy of the reflectedpulse compare with that of the original? . Answer, p. 568

Fish have internal ears. example 1Why don’t fish have ear-holes? The speed of sound waves ina fish’s body is not much different from their speed in water, sosound waves are not strongly reflected from a fish’s skin. Theypass right through its body, so fish can have internal ears.

Whale songs traveling long distances example 2Sound waves travel at drastically different speeds through rock,water, and air. Whale songs are thus strongly reflected at boththe bottom and the surface. The sound waves can travel hun-dreds of miles, bouncing repeatedly between the bottom and thesurface, and still be detectable. Sadly, noise pollution from shipshas nearly shut down this cetacean version of the internet.

Long-distance radio communication. example 3Radio communication can occur between stations on oppositesides of the planet. The mechanism is similar to the one ex-plained in example 2, but the three media involved are the earth,the atmosphere, and the ionosphere.

self-check BSonar is a method for ships and submarines to detect each other byproducing sound waves and listening for echoes. What properties wouldan underwater object have to have in order to be invisible to sonar? .

1Some exceptions are described in sec. 20.5, p. 539.

Section 20.1 Reflection, transmission, and absorption 523

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (24)

Answer, p. 568

The use of the word “reflection” naturally brings to mind the cre-ation of an image by a mirror, but this might be confusing, becausewe do not normally refer to “reflection” when we look at surfacesthat are not shiny. Nevertheless, reflection is how we see the surfacesof all objects, not just polished ones. When we look at a sidewalk,for example, we are actually seeing the reflecting of the sun fromthe concrete. The reason we don’t see an image of the sun at ourfeet is simply that the rough surface blurs the image so drastically.

d / 1. A wave in the lighter spring, where the wave speed is greater,travels to the left and is then partly reflected and partly transmitted at theboundary with the heavier coil spring, which has a lower wave speed.The reflection is inverted. 2. A wave moving to the right in the heavierspring is partly reflected at the boundary with the lighter spring. Thereflection is uninverted.

524 Chapter 20 Bounded Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (25)

e / 1. An uninverted reflec-tion. The reflected pulse isreversed front to back, but isnot upside-down. 2. An invertedreflection. The reflected pulse isreversed both front to back andtop to bottom.

f / A pulse traveling througha highly absorptive medium.

Inverted and uninverted reflections

Notice how the pulse reflected back to the right in example d/1comes back upside-down, whereas the one reflected back to the leftin 2 returns in its original upright form. This is true for other wavesas well. In general, there are two possible types of reflections, areflection back into a faster medium and a reflection back into aslower medium. One type will always be an inverting reflection andone noninverting.

It’s important to realize that when we discuss inverted and un-inverted reflections on a string, we are talking about whether thewave is flipped across the direction of motion (i.e., upside-down inthese drawings). The reflected pulse will always be reversed frontto back, as shown in figure e. This is because it is traveling in theother direction. The leading edge of the pulse is what gets reflectedfirst, so it is still ahead when it starts back to the left — it’s justthat “ahead” is now in the opposite direction.


So far we have tacitly assumed that wave energy remains as waveenergy, and is not converted to any other form. If this was true, thenthe world would become more and more full of sound waves, whichcould never escape into the vacuum of outer space. In reality, anymechanical wave consists of a traveling pattern of vibrations of somephysical medium, and vibrations of matter always produce heat, aswhen you bend a coat-hangar back and forth and it becomes hot.We can thus expect that in mechanical waves such as water waves,sound waves, or waves on a string, the wave energy will graduallybe converted into heat. This is referred to as absorption.

The wave suffers a decrease in amplitude, as shown in figure f.The decrease in amplitude amounts to the same fractional changefor each unit of distance covered. For example, if a wave decreasesfrom amplitude 2 to amplitude 1 over a distance of 1 meter, thenafter traveling another meter it will have an amplitude of 1/2. Thatis, the reduction in amplitude is exponential. This can be provenas follows. By the principle of superposition, we know that a waveof amplitude 2 must behave like the superposition of two identicalwaves of amplitude 1. If a single amplitude-1 wave would die down toamplitude 1/2 over a certain distance, then two amplitude-1 wavessuperposed on top of one another to make amplitude 1+1 = 2 mustdie down to amplitude 1/2 + 1/2 = 1 over the same distance.

self-check CAs a wave undergoes absorption, it loses energy. Does this mean thatit slows down? . Answer, p. 568

In many cases, this frictional heating effect is quite weak. Soundwaves in air, for instance, dissipate into heat extremely slowly, andthe sound of church music in a cathedral may reverberate for as much

Section 20.1 Reflection, transmission, and absorption 525

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (26)

g / X-rays are light waves with avery high frequency. They areabsorbed strongly by bones, butweakly by flesh.

as 3 or 4 seconds before it becomes inaudible. During this time ithas traveled over a kilometer! Even this very gradual dissipationof energy occurs mostly as heating of the church’s walls and by theleaking of sound to the outside (where it will eventually end up asheat). Under the right conditions (humid air and low frequency), asound wave in a straight pipe could theoretically travel hundreds ofkilometers before being noticeably attenuated.

In general, the absorption of mechanical waves depends a greatdeal on the chemical composition and microscopic structure of themedium. Ripples on the surface of antifreeze, for instance, die outextremely rapidly compared to ripples on water. For sound wavesand surface waves in liquids and gases, what matters is the viscosityof the substance, i.e., whether it flows easily like water or mercuryor more sluggishly like molasses or antifreeze. This explains whyour intuitive expectation of strong absorption of sound in water isincorrect. Water is a very weak absorber of sound (viz. whale songsand sonar), and our incorrect intuition arises from focusing on thewrong property of the substance: water’s high density, which isirrelevant, rather than its low viscosity, which is what matters.

Light is an interesting case, since although it can travel throughmatter, it is not itself a vibration of any material substance. Thuswe can look at the star Sirius, 1014 km away from us, and be as-sured that none of its light was absorbed in the vacuum of outerspace during its 9-year journey to us. The Hubble Space Telescoperoutinely observes light that has been on its way to us since theearly history of the universe, billions of years ago. Of course theenergy of light can be dissipated if it does pass through matter (andthe light from distant galaxies is often absorbed if there happen tobe clouds of gas or dust in between).

Soundproofing example 4Typical amateur musicians setting out to soundproof their garagestend to think that they should simply cover the walls with thedensest possible substance. In fact, sound is not absorbed verystrongly even by passing through several inches of wood. A betterstrategy for soundproofing is to create a sandwich of alternatinglayers of materials in which the speed of sound is very different,to encourage reflection.

The classic design is alternating layers of fiberglass and plywood.The speed of sound in plywood is very high, due to its stiffness,while its speed in fiberglass is essentially the same as its speedin air. Both materials are fairly good sound absorbers, but soundwaves passing through a few inches of them are still not goingto be absorbed sufficiently. The point of combining them is thata sound wave that tries to get out will be strongly reflected ateach of the fiberglass-plywood boundaries, and will bounce backand forth many times like a ping pong ball. Due to all the back-

526 Chapter 20 Bounded Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (27)

h / A tympanometer, example7.

and-forth motion, the sound may end up traveling a total distanceequal to ten times the actual thickness of the soundproofing be-fore it escapes. This is the equivalent of having ten times thethickness of sound-absorbing material.

The swim bladder example 5The swim bladder of a fish, which was first discussed in home-work problem 2 in chapter 18, is often located right next to thefish’s ear. As discussed in example 1 on page 523, the fish’s bodyis nearly transparent to sound, so it’s actually difficult to get anyof the sound wave energy to deposit itself in the fish so that thefish can hear it! The physics here is almost exactly the same asthe physics of example 4 above, with the gas-filled swim bladderplaying the role of the low-density material.

Radio transmission example 6A radio transmitting station, such as a commercial station or anamateur “ham” radio station, must have a length of wire or cableconnecting the amplifier to the antenna. The cable and the an-tenna act as two different media for radio waves, and there willtherefore be partial reflection of the waves as they come from thecable to the antenna. If the waves bounce back and forth manytimes between the amplifier and the antenna, a great deal of theirenergy will be absorbed. There are two ways to attack the prob-lem. One possibility is to design the antenna so that the speed ofthe waves in it is as close as possible to the speed of the wavesin the cable; this minimizes the amount of reflection. The othermethod is to connect the amplifier to the antenna using a typeof wire or cable that does not strongly absorb the waves. Partialreflection then becomes irrelevant, since all the wave energy willeventually exit through the antenna.

The tympanogram example 7The tympanogram is a medical procedure used to diagnose prob-lems with the middle ear.

The middle ear is a chamber, normally filled with air, lying be-tween the eardrum (tympanic membrane) and the inner ear. Itcontains a tiny set of bones that act as a system of levers toamplify the motion of the eardrum and transmit it to the innerear. The air pressure in the inner ear is normally equalized viathe Eustachian tube, which connects to the throat; when you feeluncomfortable pressure in your ear while flying, it’s because thepressure has not yet equalized. Ear infections or allergies cancause the middle ear to become filled with fluid, and the Eu-stachian tube can also become blocked, so that the pressure inthe inner ear cannot become equalized.

The tympanometer has a probe that is inserted into the ear, withseveral holes. One hole is used to send a 226 Hz sound wave into

Section 20.1 Reflection, transmission, and absorption 527

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (28)

the ear canal. The ear has evolved so as to transmit a maximumamount of wave motion to the inner ear. Any change in its physicalproperties will change its behavior from its normal optimum, sothat more sound energy than normal is reflected back. A secondhole in the probe senses the reflected wave. If the reflection isstronger than normal, there is probably something wrong with theinner ear.

The full physical analysis is fairly complex. The middle ear hassome of the characteristics of a mass oscillating on a spring, butit also has some of the characteristics of a medium that carrieswaves. Crudely, we could imagine that an infected, fluid-filledmiddle ear would act as a medium that differed greatly from theair in the outer ear, causing a large amount of reflection.

Equally crudely, we could forget about the wave ideas and think ofthe middle ear purely as a mass on a spring. We expect resonantbehavior, and there is in fact such a resonance, which is typicallyat a frequency of about 600 Hz in adults, so the 226 Hz frequencyemitted by the probe is actually quite far from resonance. If themechanisms of the middle ear are jammed and cannot vibrate,then it is not possible for energy of the incoming sound wave tobe turned into energy of vibration in the middle ear, and thereforeby conservation of energy we would expect all of the sound to bereflected.

Sometimes the middle ear’s mechanisms can get jammed be-cause of abnormally high or low pressure, because the Eustach-ian tube is blocked and cannot equalize the pressure with theoutside environment. Diagnosing such a condition is the purposeof the third hole in the probe, which is used to vary the pressurein the ear canal. The amount of reflection is measured as a func-tion of this pressure. If the reflection is minimized for some valueof the pressure that is different than atmospheric pressure, it indi-cates that that is the value of the pressure in the middle ear; whenthe pressures are equalized, the forces on the eardrum cancelout, and it can relax to its normal position, unjamming the middleear’s mechanisms.

Discussion question

A A sound wave that underwent a pressure-inverting reflection wouldhave its compressions converted to expansions and vice versa. Howwould its energy and frequency compare with those of the original sound?Would it sound any different? What happens if you swap the two wireswhere they connect to a stereo speaker, resulting in waves that vibrate inthe opposite way?

528 Chapter 20 Bounded Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (29)

i / 1. A change in frequencywithout a change in wavelengthwould produce a discontinuity inthe wave. 2. A simple change inwavelength without a reflectionwould result in a sharp kink in thewave.

20.2 Quantitative treatment of reflectionIn this section we use the example of waves on a string to analyzethe reasons why a reflection occurs at the boundary between media,predict quantitatively the intensities of reflection and transmission,and discuss how to tell which reflections are inverting and whichare noninverting. Some more technical aspects of the discussion arerelegated to sec. 20.5, p. 539.

Why reflection occurs

To understand the fundamental reasons for what does occur atthe boundary between media, let’s first discuss what doesn’t happen.For the sake of concreteness, consider a sinusoidal wave on a string.If the wave progresses from a heavier portion of the string, in whichits velocity is low, to a lighter-weight part, in which it is high, thenthe equation v = fλ tells us that it must change its frequency, orits wavelength, or both. If only the frequency changed, then theparts of the wave in the two different portions of the string wouldquickly get out of step with each other, producing a discontinuity inthe wave, i/1. This is unphysical, so we know that the wavelengthmust change while the frequency remains constant, 2.

But there is still something unphysical about figure 2. The sud-den change in the shape of the wave has resulted in a sharp kinkat the boundary. This can’t really happen, because the mediumtends to accelerate in such a way as to eliminate curvature. A sharpkink corresponds to an infinite curvature at one point, which wouldproduce an infinite acceleration, which would not be consistent withthe smooth pattern of wave motion envisioned in figure 2. Wavescan have kinks, but not stationary kinks.

We conclude that without positing partial reflection of the wave,we cannot simultaneously satisfy the requirements of (1) continuityof the wave, and (2) no sudden changes in the slope of the wave.(The student who has studied calculus will recognize this as amount-ing to an assumption that both the wave and its derivative are con-tinuous functions.)

Does this amount to a proof that reflection occurs? Not quite.We have only proven that certain types of wave motion are notvalid solutions. In the following subsection, we prove that a validsolution can always be found in which a reflection occurs. Now inphysics, we normally assume (but seldom prove formally) that theequations of motion have a unique solution, since otherwise a givenset of initial conditions could lead to different behavior later on,but the Newtonian universe is supposed to be deterministic. Sincethe solution must be unique, and we derive below a valid solutioninvolving a reflected pulse, we will have ended up with what amountsto a proof of reflection.

Section 20.2 Quantitative treatment of reflection 529

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (30)

j / A pulse being partially re-flected and partially transmittedat the boundary between twostrings in which the speed ofwaves is different. The topdrawing shows the pulse headingto the right, toward the heavierstring. For clarity, all but the firstand last drawings are schematic.Once the reflected pulse beginsto emerge from the boundary,it adds together with the trailingparts of the incident pulse. Theirsum, shown as a wider line, iswhat is actually observed.

Intensity of reflection

We will now show, in the case of waves on a string, that it is pos-sible to satisfy the physical requirements given above by construct-ing a reflected wave, and as a bonus this will produce an equationfor the proportions of reflection and transmission and a predictionas to which conditions will lead to inverted and which to uninvertedreflection. We assume only that the principle of superposition holds,which is a good approximation for waves on a string of sufficientlysmall amplitude.

Let the unknown amplitudes of the reflected and transmittedwaves be R and T , respectively. An inverted reflection would berepresented by a negative value of R. We can without loss of gen-erality take the incident (original) wave to have unit amplitude.Superposition tells us that if, for instance, the incident wave haddouble this amplitude, we could immediately find a correspondingsolution simply by doubling R and T .

Just to the left of the boundary, the height of the wave is givenby the height 1 of the incident wave, plus the height R of the partof the reflected wave that has just been created and begun headingback, for a total height of 1+R. On the right side immediately nextto the boundary, the transmitted wave has a height T . To avoid adiscontinuity, we must have

1 +R = T .

Next we turn to the requirement of equal slopes on both sides ofthe boundary. Let the slope of the incoming wave be s immediatelyto the left of the junction. If the wave was 100% reflected, andwithout inversion, then the slope of the reflected wave would be −s,since the wave has been reversed in direction. In general, the slopeof the reflected wave equals −sR, and the slopes of the superposedwaves on the left side add up to s − sR. On the right, the slopedepends on the amplitude, T , but is also changed by the stretchingor compression of the wave due to the change in speed. If, forexample, the wave speed is twice as great on the right side, thenthe slope is cut in half by this effect. The slope on the right istherefore s(v1/v2)T , where v1 is the velocity in the original mediumand v2 the velocity in the new medium. Equality of slopes givess− sR = s(v1/v2)T , or

1−R =v1

v2T .

Solving the two equations for the unknowns R and T gives

R =v2 − v1

v2 + v1and T =


v2 + v1.

The first equation shows that there is no reflection unless the twowave speeds are different, and that the reflection is inverted in re-flection back into a fast medium.

530 Chapter 20 Bounded Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (31)

The energies of the transmitted and reflected waves always addup to the same as the energy of the original wave. There is neverany abrupt loss (or gain) in energy when a wave crosses a bound-ary. (Conversion of wave energy to heat occurs for many types ofwaves, but it occurs throughout the medium.) The equation forT , surprisingly, allows the amplitude of the transmitted wave to begreater than 1, i.e., greater than that of the incident wave. Thisdoes not violate conservation of energy, because this occurs whenthe second string is less massive, reducing its kinetic energy, and thetransmitted pulse is broader and less strongly curved, which lessensits potential energy. In other words, the constant of proportionalityin E ∝ A2 is different in the two different media.

We have attempted to develop some general facts about wavereflection by using the specific example of a wave on a string, whichraises the question of whether these facts really are general. Theseissues are discussed in more detail in optional section 20.5, p. 539,but here is a brief summary.

The following facts are more generally true for wave reflectionin one dimension.

• The wave is partially reflected and partially transmitted, withthe reflected and transmitted parts sharing the energy.

• For an interface between media 1 and 2, there are two possiblereflections: back into 1, and back into 2. One of these isinverting (R < 0) and the other is noninverting (R > 0).

The following aspects of our analysis may need to be modifiedfor different types of waves.

• In some cases, the expressions for the reflected and transmit-ted amplitudes depend not on the ratio v1/v2 but on somemore complicated ratio v1 . . . /v2 . . ., where . . . stands for someadditional property of the medium.

• The sign of R, depends not just on this ratio but also onthe type of the wave and on what we choose as a measure ofamplitude.

Section 20.2 Quantitative treatment of reflection 531

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (32)

k / Seen from this angle, theoptical coating on the lenses ofthese binoculars appears purpleand green. (The color variesdepending on the angle fromwhich the coating is viewed, andthe angle varies across the facesof the lenses because of theircurvature.)

l / A rope consisting of threesections, the middle one beinglighter.

m / Two reflections, are su-perimposed. One reflection isinverted.

20.3 Interference effects

If you look at the front of a pair of high-quality binoculars, youwill notice a greenish-blue coating on the lenses. This is advertisedas a coating to prevent reflection. Now reflection is clearly undesir-able — we want the light to go in the binoculars — but so far I’vedescribed reflection as an unalterable fact of nature, depending onlyon the properties of the two wave media. The coating can’t changethe speed of light in air or in glass, so how can it work? The key isthat the coating itself is a wave medium. In other words, we havea three-layer sandwich of materials: air, coating, and glass. We willanalyze the way the coating works, not because optical coatings arean important part of your education but because it provides a goodexample of the general phenomenon of wave interference effects.

There are two different interfaces between media: an air-coatingboundary and a coating-glass boundary. Partial reflection and par-tial transmission will occur at each boundary. For ease of visual-ization let’s start by considering an equivalent system consisting ofthree dissimilar pieces of string tied together, and a wave patternconsisting initially of a single pulse. Figure l/1 shows the incidentpulse moving through the heavy rope, in which its velocity is low.When it encounters the lighter-weight rope in the middle, a fastermedium, it is partially reflected and partially transmitted. (Thetransmitted pulse is bigger, but nevertheless has only part of theoriginal energy.) The pulse transmitted by the first interface is thenpartially reflected and partially transmitted by the second bound-ary, 3. In figure 4, two pulses are on the way back out to the left,and a single pulse is heading off to the right. (There is still a weakpulse caught between the two boundaries, and this will rattle backand forth, rapidly getting too weak to detect as it leaks energy tothe outside with each partial reflection.)

Note how, of the two reflected pulses in 4, one is inverted andone uninverted. One underwent reflection at the first boundary (areflection back into a slower medium is uninverted), but the otherwas reflected at the second boundary (reflection back into a fastermedium is inverted).

Now let’s imagine what would have happened if the incomingwave pattern had been a long sinusoidal wave train instead of asingle pulse. The first two waves to reemerge on the left could bein phase, m/1, or out of phase, 2, or anywhere in between. Theamount of lag between them depends entirely on the width of themiddle segment of string. If we choose the width of the middle stringsegment correctly, then we can arrange for destructive interferenceto occur, 2, with cancellation resulting in a very weak reflected wave.

This whole analysis applies directly to our original case of opticalcoatings. Visible light from most sources does consist of a stream

532 Chapter 20 Bounded Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (33)

n / A soap bubble displaysinterference effects.

of short sinusoidal wave-trains such as the ones drawn above. Theonly real difference between the waves-on-a-rope example and thecase of an optical coating is that the first and third media are airand glass, in which light does not have the same speed. However,the general result is the same as long as the air and the glass havelight-wave speeds that are either both greater than the coating’s orboth less than the coating’s.

The business of optical coatings turns out to be a very arcaneone, with a plethora of trade secrets and “black magic” techniqueshanded down from master to apprentice. Nevertheless, the ideasyou have learned about waves in general are sufficient to allow youto come to some definite conclusions without any further technicalknowledge. The self-check and discussion questions will direct youalong these lines of thought.

The example of an optical coating was typical of a wide varietyof wave interference effects. With a little guidance, you are nowready to figure out for yourself other examples such as the rainbowpattern made by a compact disc, a layer of oil on a puddle, or asoap bubble.

self-check D1. Color corresponds to wavelength of light waves. Is it possible tochoose a thickness for an optical coating that will produce destructiveinterference for all colors of light?

2. How can you explain the rainbow colors on the soap bubble in figuren? . Answer, p. 568

Discussion questions

A Is it possible to get complete destructive interference in an opticalcoating, at least for light of one specific wavelength?

B Sunlight consists of sinusoidal wave-trains containing on the orderof a hundred cycles back-to-back, for a length of something like a tenth ofa millimeter. What happens if you try to make an optical coating thickerthan this?

C Suppose you take two microscope slides and lay one on top of theother so that one of its edges is resting on the corresponding edge of thebottom one. If you insert a sliver of paper or a hair at the opposite end,a wedge-shaped layer of air will exist in the middle, with a thickness thatchanges gradually from one end to the other. What would you expect tosee if the slides were illuminated from above by light of a single color?How would this change if you gradually lifted the lower edge of the topslide until the two slides were finally parallel?

D An observation like the one described in discussion question C wasused by Newton as evidence against the wave theory of light! If Newtondidn’t know about inverting and noninverting reflections, what would haveseemed inexplicable to him about the region where the air layer had zeroor nearly zero thickness?

Section 20.3 Interference effects 533

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (34)

o / A model of a guitar string.

p / The motion of a pulse onthe string.

q / A tricky way to double thefrequency.

20.4 Waves bounded on both sidesIn the examples discussed in section 20.3, it was theoretically truethat a pulse would be trapped permanently in the middle medium,but that pulse was not central to our discussion, and in any case itwas weakening severely with each partial reflection. Now considera guitar string. At its ends it is tied to the body of the instrumentit*elf, and since the body is very massive, the behavior of the waveswhen they reach the end of the string can be understood in the sameway as if the actual guitar string was attached on the ends to stringsthat were extremely massive, o. Reflections are most intense whenthe two media are very dissimilar. Because the wave speed in thebody is so radically different from the speed in the string, we shouldexpect nearly 100% reflection.

Although this may seem like a rather bizarre physical model ofthe actual guitar string, it already tells us something interestingabout the behavior of a guitar that we would not otherwise haveunderstood. The body, far from being a passive frame for attachingthe strings to, is actually the exit path for the wave energy in thestrings. With every reflection, the wave pattern on the string losesa tiny fraction of its energy, which is then conducted through thebody and out into the air. (The string has too little cross-section tomake sound waves efficiently by itself.) By changing the propertiesof the body, moreover, we should expect to have an effect on themanner in which sound escapes from the instrument. This is clearlydemonstrated by the electric guitar, which has an extremely massive,solid wooden body. Here the dissimilarity between the two wavemedia is even more pronounced, with the result that wave energyleaks out of the string even more slowly. This is why an electricguitar with no electric pickup can hardly be heard at all, and it isalso the reason why notes on an electric guitar can be sustained forlonger than notes on an acoustic guitar.

If we initially create a disturbance on a guitar string, how willthe reflections behave? In reality, the finger or pick will give thestring a triangular shape before letting it go, and we may think ofthis triangular shape as a very broad “dent” in the string whichwill spread out in both directions. For simplicity, however, let’s justimagine a wave pattern that initially consists of a single, narrowpulse traveling up the neck, p/1. After reflection from the top end,it is inverted, 3. Now something interesting happens: figure 5 isidentical to figure 1. After two reflections, the pulse has been in-verted twice and has changed direction twice. It is now back whereit started. The motion is periodic. This is why a guitar producessounds that have a definite sensation of pitch.

self-check ENotice that from p/1 to p/5, the pulse has passed by every point on thestring exactly twice. This means that the total distance it has traveled

534 Chapter 20 Bounded Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (35)

r / Using the sum of four sinewaves to approximate the trian-gular initial shape of a pluckedguitar string.

equals 2L, where L is the length of the string. Given this fact, what arethe period and frequency of the sound it produces, expressed in termsof L and v , the velocity of the wave? . Answer, p. 569

Note that if the waves on the string obey the principle of super-position, then the velocity must be independent of amplitude, andthe guitar will produce the same pitch regardless of whether it isplayed loudly or softly. In reality, waves on a string obey the prin-ciple of superposition approximately, but not exactly. The guitar,like just about any acoustic instrument, is a little out of tune whenplayed loudly. (The effect is more pronounced for wind instrumentsthan for strings, but wind players are able to compensate for it.)

Now there is only one hole in our reasoning. Suppose we some-how arrange to have an initial setup consisting of two identical pulsesheading toward each other, as in figure q. They will pass througheach other, undergo a single inverting reflection, and come back toa configuration in which their positions have been exactly inter-changed. This means that the period of vibration is half as long.The frequency is twice as high.

This might seem like a purely academic possibility, since nobodyactually plays the guitar with two picks at once! But in fact it is anexample of a very general fact about waves that are bounded on bothsides. A mathematical theorem called Fourier’s theorem states thatany wave can be created by superposing sine waves. Figure r showshow even by using only four sine waves with appropriately chosenamplitudes, we can arrive at a sum which is a decent approximationto the realistic triangular shape of a guitar string being plucked.The one-hump wave, in which half a wavelength fits on the string,will behave like the single pulse we originally discussed. We callits frequency fo. The two-hump wave, with one whole wavelength,is very much like the two-pulse example. For the reasons discussedabove, its frequency is 2fo. Similarly, the three-hump and four-humpwaves have frequencies of 3fo and 4fo.

Theoretically we would need to add together infinitely manysuch wave patterns to describe the initial triangular shape of thestring exactly, although the amplitudes required for the very highfrequency parts would be very small, and an excellent approximationcould be achieved with as few as ten waves.

We thus arrive at the following very general conclusion. When-ever a wave pattern exists in a medium bounded on both sides bymedia in which the wave speed is very different, the motion can bebroken down into the motion of a (theoretically infinite) series of sinewaves, with frequencies fo, 2fo, 3fo, ... Except for some technicaldetails, to be discussed below, this analysis applies to a vast range ofsound-producing systems, including the air column within the hu-man vocal tract. Because sounds composed of this kind of patternof frequencies are so common, our ear-brain system has evolved so

Section 20.4 Waves bounded on both sides 535

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (36)

s / Graphs of loudness ver-sus frequency for the vowel “ah,”sung as three different musicalnotes. G is consonant with D,since every overtone of G that isclose to an overtone of D (*) is atexactly the same frequency. Gand C# are dissonant together,since some of the overtones of G(x) are close to, but not right ontop of, those of C#.

t / Sine waves add to makesine waves. Other functions don’thave this property.

as to perceive them as a single, fused sensation of tone.

Musical applications

Many musicians claim to be able to pick out by ear several of thefrequencies 2fo, 3fo, ..., called overtones or harmonics of the funda-mental fo, but they are kidding themselves. In reality, the overtoneseries has two important roles in music, neither of which dependson this fictitious ability to “hear out” the individual overtones.

First, the relative strengths of the overtones is an importantpart of the personality of a sound, called its timbre (rhymes with“amber”). The characteristic tone of the brass instruments, for ex-ample, is a sound that starts out with a very strong harmonic seriesextending up to very high frequencies, but whose higher harmonicsdie down drastically as the attack changes to the sustained portionof the note.

Second, although the ear cannot separate the individual harmon-ics of a single musical tone, it is very sensitive to clashes betweenthe overtones of notes played simultaneously, i.e., in harmony. Wetend to perceive a combination of notes as being dissonant if theyhave overtones that are close but not the same. Roughly speaking,strong overtones whose frequencies differ by more than 1% and lessthan 10% cause the notes to sound dissonant. It is important torealize that the term “dissonance” is not a negative one in music.No matter how long you search the radio dial, you will never hearmore than three seconds of music without at least one dissonantcombination of notes. Dissonance is a necessary ingredient in thecreation of a musical cycle of tension and release. Musically knowl-edgeable people don’t use the word “dissonant” as a criticism ofmusic, although dissonance can be used in a clumsy way, or withoutproviding any contrast between dissonance and consonance.

Standing waves

Figure u shows sinusoidal wave patterns made by shaking a rope.I used to enjoy doing this at the bank with the pens on chains, backin the days when people actually went to the bank. You might thinkthat I and the person in the photos had to practice for a long timein order to get such nice sine waves. In fact, a sine wave is the onlyshape that can create this kind of wave pattern, called a standingwave, which simply vibrates back and forth in one place withoutmoving. The sine wave just creates itself automatically when youfind the right frequency, because no other shape is possible.

If you think about it, it’s not even obvious that sine waves shouldbe able to do this trick. After all, waves are supposed to travel at aset speed, aren’t they? The speed isn’t supposed to be zero! Well, wecan actually think of a standing wave as a superposition of a moving

536 Chapter 20 Bounded Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (37)

v / A salamander crawls across aperson’s palm. Its spine oscillatesas a standing wave.

w / Example 8.

u / Standing waves on a spring.

sine wave with its own reflection, which is moving the opposite way.Sine waves have the unique mathematical property, t, that the sumof sine waves of equal wavelength is simply a new sine wave withthe same wavelength. As the two sine waves go back and forth, theyalways cancel perfectly at the ends, and their sum appears to standstill.

Standing wave patterns are rather important, since atoms arereally standing-wave patterns of electron waves. You are a standingwave!

Harmonics on string instruments example 8Figure w shows a violist playing what string players refer to as anatural harmonic. The term “harmonic” is used here in a some-what different sense than in physics. The musician’s pinkie ispressing very lightly against the string — not hard enough tomake it touch the fingerboard — at a point precisely at the centerof the string’s length. As shown in the diagram, this allows thestring to vibrate at frequencies 2fo, 4fo, 6fo, . . ., which have sta-tionary points at the center of the string, but not at the odd mul-tiples fo, 3fo, . . .. Since all the overtones are multiples of 2fo, theear perceives 2fo as the basic frequency of the note. In musicalterms, doubling the frequency corresponds to raising the pitch byan octave. The technique can be used in order to make it easierto play high notes in rapid passages, or for its own sake, becauseof the change in timbre.

Section 20.4 Waves bounded on both sides 537

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (38)

x / Surprisingly, sound wavesundergo partial reflection at theopen ends of tubes as well asclosed ones.

y / Graphs of excess densityversus position for the lowest-frequency standing waves ofthree types of air columns. Pointson the axis have normal airdensity.

Standing-wave patterns of air columns

The air column inside a wind instrument behaves very muchlike the wave-on-a-string example we’ve been concentrating on sofar, the main difference being that we may have either inverting ornoninverting reflections at the ends.

Some organ pipes are closed at both ends. The speed of soundis different in metal than in air, so there is a strong reflection atthe closed ends, and we can have standing waves. These reflectionsare both density-noninverting, so we get symmetric standing-wavepatterns, such as the one shown in figure y/1.

Figure x shows the sound waves in and around a bamboo Japaneseflute called a shakuhachi, which is open at both ends of the air col-umn. We can only have a standing wave pattern if there are re-flections at the ends, but that is very counterintuitive — why isthere any reflection at all, if the sound wave is free to emerge intoopen space, and there is no change in medium? Recall the reasonwhy we got reflections at a change in medium: because the wave-length changes, so the wave has to readjust itself from one patternto another, and the only way it can do that without developing akink is if there is a reflection. Something similar is happening here.The only difference is that the wave is adjusting from being a planewave to being a spherical wave. The reflections at the open endsare density-inverting, y/2, so the wave pattern is pinched off at theends. Comparing panels 1 and 2 of the figure, we see that althoughthe wave patterns are different, in both cases the wavelength is thesame: in the lowest-frequency standing wave, half a wavelength fitsinside the tube. Thus, it isn’t necessary to memorize which type ofreflection is inverting and which is uninverting. It’s only necessaryto know that the tubes are symmetric.

Finally, we can have an asymmetric tube: closed at one end andopen at the other. A common example is the pan pipes, z, which areclosed at the bottom and open at the top. The standing wave withthe lowest frequency is therefore one in which 1/4 of a wavelengthfits along the length of the tube, as shown in figure y/3.

Sometimes an instrument’s physical appearance can be mislead-ing. A concert flute, aa, is closed at the mouth end and open atthe other, so we would expect it to behave like an asymmetric aircolumn; in reality, it behaves like a symmetric air column open atboth ends, because the embouchure hole (the hole the player blowsover) acts like an open end. The clarinet and the saxophone looksimilar, having a mouthpiece and reed at one end and an open endat the other, but they act different. In fact the clarinet’s air col-umn has patterns of vibration that are asymmetric, the saxophonesymmetric. The discrepancy comes from the difference between theconical tube of the sax and the cylindrical tube of the clarinet. Theadjustment of the wave pattern from a plane wave to a spherical

538 Chapter 20 Bounded Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (39)

z / A pan pipe is an asym-metric air column, open at the topand closed at the bottom.

aa / A concert flute looks likean asymmetric air column, openat the mouth end and closed atthe other. However, its patterns ofvibration are symmetric, becausethe embouchure hole acts like anopen end.

wave is more gradual at the flaring bell of the saxophone.

self-check FDraw a graph of density versus position for the first overtone of the aircolumn in a tube open at one end and closed at the other. This will bethe next-to-longest possible wavelength that allows for a point of maxi-mum vibration at one end and a point of no vibration at the other. Howmany times shorter will its wavelength be compared to the wavelengthof the lowest-frequency standing wave, shown in the figure? Based onthis, how many times greater will its frequency be? . Answer, p. 569

Discussion question

A Figure v on p. 537 shows the salamander in the salamander’s frameof reference, so that the palm moves. In the palm’s frame, would thisbe a traveling wave? Would the worm in example 1 on p. 497 execute astanding wave in its own frame? Is there anything qualitatively differentabout these two animals’ patterns of motion, other than the fact that onewave is transverse and the other longitudinal?

20.5 ? Some technical aspects of reflectionIn this optional section we address some technical details of thetreatment of reflection and transmission of waves. These gory de-tails are likely to be of interest mainly to students majoring in thephysical sciences.

Dependence of reflection on other variables besides velocity

In section 20.2 we derived the expressions for the transmittedand reflected amplitudes by demanding that two things match upon both sides of the boundary: the height of the wave and theslope of the wave. These requirements were stated purely in termsof kinematics (the description of how the wave moves) rather thandynamics (the explanation for the wave motion in terms of Newton’slaws). For this reason, the results depended only on the purelykinematic quantity α = v2/v1, as can be seen more clearly if werewrite the expressions in the following form:

R =α− 1

α+ 1and T =

α+ 1.

But this purely kinematical treatment only worked because ofa dynamical fact that we didn’t emphasize. We assumed equalityof the slopes, s1 = s2, because waves don’t like to have kinks. Theunderlying dynamical reason for this, in the case of a wave on astring, is that a kink is pointlike, so the portion of the string at thekink is infinitesimal in size, and therefore has essentially zero mass.If the transverse forces acting on it differed by some finite amount,then its acceleration would be infinite, which is not possible. Thedifference between the two forces is Ts1 − Ts2, so s1 = s2. But thisrelies on the assumption that T is the same on both sides of the

Section 20.5 ? Some technical aspects of reflection 539

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (40)

ab / A disturbance in freewaytraffic.

ac / In the mirror image, theareas of positive excess trafficdensity are still positive, butthe velocities of the cars haveall been reversed, so areas ofpositive excess velocity havebeen turned into negative ones.

boundary. Now this is true, because we can’t put different amountsof tension on two ropes that are tied together end to end. Any excesstension applied to one rope is distributed equally to the other. Forother types of waves, however, we cannot make a similar argument,and therefore it need not be true that s1 = s2.

A more detailed analysis shows that in general we have not α =v2/v1 but α = z2/z1, where z is a quantity called impedance whichis defined for this purpose. In a great many examples, as for thewaves on a string, it is true that v2/v1 = z2/z1, but this is not auniversal fact. Most of the exceptions are rather specialized andtechnical, such as the reflection of light waves when the media havemagnetic properties, but one fairly common and important exampleis the case of sound waves, for which z = ρv depends not just onthe wave velocity v but also on the density ρ. A practical exampleoccurs in medical ultrasound scans, where the contrast of the imageis made possible because of the very large differences in impedancebetween different types of tissue. The speed of sound in varioustissues such as bone and muscle varies by about a factor of 2, whichis not a particularly huge factor, but there are also large variationsin density. The lung, for example, is basically a sponge or sack filledwith air. For this reason, the acoustic impedances of the tissuesshow a huge amount of variation, with, e.g., zbone/zlung ≈ 40.

Inverted and uninverted reflections in general

For waves on a string, reflections back into a faster medium areinverted, while those back into a slower medium are uninverted. Isthis true for all types of waves? The rather subtle answer is that itdepends on what property of the wave you are discussing.

Let’s start by considering wave disturbances of freeway traffic.Anyone who has driven frequently on crowded freeways has observedthe phenomenon in which one driver taps the brakes, starting a chainreaction that travels backward down the freeway as each person inturn exercises caution in order to avoid rear-ending anyone. Thereason why this type of wave is relevant is that it gives a simple,easily visualized example of how our description of a wave dependson which aspect of the wave we have in mind. In steadily flowingfreeway traffic, both the density of cars and their velocity are con-stant all along the road. Since there is no disturbance in this patternof constant velocity and density, we say that there is no wave. Nowif a wave is touched off by a person tapping the brakes, we can eitherdescribe it as a region of high density or as a region of decreasingvelocity.

The freeway traffic wave is in fact a good model of a sound wave,and a sound wave can likewise be described either by the density(or pressure) of the air or by its speed. Likewise many other typesof waves can be described by either of two functions, one of whichis often the derivative of the other with respect to position.

540 Chapter 20 Bounded Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (41)

Now let’s consider reflections. If we observe the freeway wave ina mirror, the high-density area will still appear high in density, butvelocity in the opposite direction will now be described by a neg-ative number. A person observing the mirror image will draw thesame density graph, but the velocity graph will be flipped across thex axis, and its original region of negative slope will now have posi-tive slope. Although I don’t know any physical situation that wouldcorrespond to the reflection of a traffic wave, we can immediately ap-ply the same reasoning to sound waves, which often do get reflected,and determine that a reflection can either be density-inverting andvelocity-noninverting or density-noninverting and velocity-inverting.

This same type of situation will occur over and over as one en-counters new types of waves, and to apply the analogy we needonly determine which quantities, like velocity, become negated in amirror image and which, like density, stay the same.

A light wave, for instance, consists of a traveling pattern of elec-tric and magnetic fields. All you need to know in order to analyze thereflection of light waves is how electric and magnetic fields behaveunder reflection; you don’t need to know any of the detailed physicsof electricity and magnetism. An electric field can be detected, forexample, by the way one’s hair stands on end. The direction of thehair indicates the direction of the electric field. In a mirror image,the hair points the other way, so the electric field is apparently re-versed in a mirror image. The behavior of magnetic fields, however,is a little tricky. The magnetic properties of a bar magnet, for in-stance, are caused by the aligned rotation of the outermost orbitingelectrons of the atoms. In a mirror image, the direction of rotationis reversed, say from clockwise to counterclockwise, and so the mag-netic field is reversed twice: once simply because the whole pictureis flipped and once because of the reversed rotation of the electrons.In other words, magnetic fields do not reverse themselves in a mirrorimage. We can thus predict that there will be two possible typesof reflection of light waves. In one, the electric field is inverted andthe magnetic field uninverted (example 8, p. 712). In the other, theelectric field is uninverted and the magnetic field inverted.

Section 20.5 ? Some technical aspects of reflection 541

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (42)

SummarySelected vocabularyreflection . . . . . the bouncing back of part of a wave from a

boundarytransmission . . . the continuation of part of a wave through a

boundaryabsorption . . . . the gradual conversion of wave energy into

heating of the mediumstanding wave . . a wave pattern that stays in one place

Notationλ . . . . . . . . . . wavelength (Greek letter lambda)


Whenever a wave encounters the boundary between two mediain which its speeds are different, part of the wave is reflected andpart is transmitted. The reflection is always reversed front-to-back,but may also be inverted in amplitude. Whether the reflection isinverted depends on how the wave speeds in the two media compare,e.g., a wave on a string is uninverted when it is reflected back into asegment of string where its speed is lower. The greater the differencein wave speed between the two media, the greater the fraction ofthe wave energy that is reflected. Surprisingly, a wave in a densematerial like wood will be strongly reflected back into the wood ata wood-air boundary.

A one-dimensional wave confined by highly reflective boundarieson two sides will display motion which is periodic. For example, ifboth reflections are inverting, the wave will have a period equalto twice the time required to traverse the region, or to that timedivided by an integer. An important special case is a sinusoidalwave; in this case, the wave forms a stationary pattern composed ofa superposition of sine waves moving in opposite direction.

542 Chapter 20 Bounded Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (43)

C 261.6 HzD 293.7E 329.6F 349.2G 392.0A 440.0B[ 466.2

Problem 5.


A computerized answer check is available online.∫A problem that requires calculus.

? A difficult problem.

1 Light travels faster in warmer air. On a sunny day, the suncan heat a road and create a layer of hot air above it. Let’s modelthis layer as a uniform one with a sharp boundary separating it fromthe cooler air above. Use this model to explain the formation of amirage appearing like the shiny surface of a pool of water.

2 (a) Compute the amplitude of light that is reflected backinto air at an air-water interface, relative to the amplitude of theincident wave. The speeds of light in air and water are 3.0 × 108

and 2.2× 108 m/s, respectively.(b) Find the energy of the reflected wave as a fraction of the incidentenergy. [Hint: The answers to the two parts are not the same.]√

3 A concert flute produces its lowest note, at about 262 Hz,when half of a wavelength fits inside its tube. Compute the lengthof the flute. . Answer, p. 569

4 (a) A good tenor saxophone player can play all of the fol-lowing notes without changing her fingering, simply by altering thetightness of her lips: E[ (150 Hz), E[ (300 Hz), B[ (450 Hz), andE[ (600 Hz). How is this possible? (I’m not asking you to analyzethe coupling between the lips, the reed, the mouthpiece, and the aircolumn, which is very complicated.)(b) Some saxophone players are known for their ability to use thistechnique to play “freak notes,” i.e., notes above the normal rangeof the instrument. Why isn’t it possible to play notes below thenormal range using this technique?

5 The table gives the frequencies of the notes that make up thekey of F major, starting from middle C and going up through allseven notes.(a) Calculate the first four or five harmonics of C and G, and deter-mine whether these two notes will be consonant or dissonant. (Re-call that harmonics that differ by about 1-10% cause dissonance.)(b) Do the same for C and B[.

Problems 543

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (44)

6 Brass and wind instruments go up in pitch as the musicianwarms up. As a typical empirical example, a trumpet’s frequencymight go up by about 1%. Let’s consider possible physical reasonsfor the change in pitch. (a) Solids generally expand with increas-ing temperature, because the stronger random motion of the atomstends to bump them apart. Brass expands by 1.88×10−5 per degreeC. Would this tend to raise the pitch, or lower it? Estimate the sizeof the effect in comparison with the observed change in frequency.(b) The speed of sound in a gas is proportional to the square root ofthe absolute temperature, where zero absolute temperature is -273degrees C. As in part a, analyze the size and direction of the effect.

7 Your exhaled breath contains about 4.5% carbon dioxide, andis therefore more dense than fresh air by about 2.3%. By analogywith the treatment of waves on a string in section 19.2, we expectthat the speed of sound will be inversely proportional to the squareroot of the density of the gas. Calculate the effect on the frequencyproduced by a wind instrument.

8 The expressions for the amplitudes of reflected and transmittedwaves depend on the unitless ratio v2/v1 (or, more generally, on theratio of the impedances). Call this ratio α. (a) Show that changingα to 1/α (e.g., by interchanging the roles of the two media) has aneffect on the reflected amplitude that can be expressed in a simpleway, and discuss what this means in terms of inversion and energy.(b) Find the two values of α for which |R| = 1/2.

544 Chapter 20 Bounded Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (45)

Three essential mathematical skills

More often than not when a search-and-rescue team finds a hiker dead in the wilderness, it turnsout that the person was not carrying some item from a short list of essentials, such as waterand a map. There are three mathematical essentials in this course.

1. Converting unitsbasic technique: section 0.9, p. 29; conversion of area, volume, etc.: section 1.1, p. 41


0.7��kg× 103 g

1��kg= 700 g.

To check that we have the conversion factor the right way up (103 rather then 1/103), we notethat the smaller unit of grams has been compensated for by making the number larger.

For units like m2, kg/m3, etc., we have to raise the conversion factor to the appropriate power:

4 m3 ×(

103 mm

1 m


= 4× 109��m

3 × mm3

��m3= 4× 109 mm3

Examples with solutions — p. 36, #6; p. 59, #10

Problems you can check at — p. 36, #5; p. 36, #4;p. 36, #7; p. 59, #1; p. 60, #19

2. Reasoning about ratios and proportionalitiesThe technique is introduced in section 1.2, p. 43, in the context of area and volume, but itapplies more generally to any relationship in which one variable depends on another raised tosome power.

Example: When a car or truck travels over a road, there is wear and tear on the road surface,which incurs a cost. Studies show that the cost per kilometer of travel C is given by

C = kw4,

where w is the weight per axle and k is a constant. The weight per axle is about 13 times higherfor a semi-trailer than for my Honda Fit. How many times greater is the cost imposed on thefederal government when the semi travels a given distance on an interstate freeway?

. First we convert the equation into a proportionality by throwing out k, which is the same forboth vehicles:

C ∝ w4

Next we convert this proportionality to a statement about ratios:






≈ 29, 000

Since the gas taxes paid by the trucker are nowhere near 29,000 times more than those I pay todrive my Fit the same distance, the federal government is effectively awarding a massive subsidyto the trucking company. Plus my Fit is cuter.

Problems 545

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (46)

Examples with solutions — p. 59, #11; p. 59, #12; p. 60, #17; p. 119, #16; p. 120, #22; p. 256,#6; p. 282, #10; p. 283, #15; p. 285, #19; p. 311, #8; p. 311, #9

Problems you can check at — p. 60, #16; p. 60,#18; p. 61, #23; p. 62, #24; p. 62, #25; p. 201, #7; p. 256, #8; p. 281, #5; p. 282, #8; p. 285,#21; p. 310, #4; p. 424, #2

3. Vector additionsection 7.3, p. 210

Example: The ∆r vector from San Diego to Los Angeles has magnitude 190 km and direction129◦counterclockwise from east. The one from LA to Las Vegas is 370 km at 38◦counterclockwisefrom east. Find the distance and direction from San Diego to Las Vegas.

. Graphical addition is discussed on p. 210. Here we concentrate on analytic addition, whichinvolves adding the x components to find the total x component, and similarly for y. The trigneeded in order to find the components of the second leg (LA to Vegas) is laid out in figure eon p. 207 and explained in detail in example 3 on p. 207:

∆x2 = (370 km) cos 38◦ = 292 km

∆y2 = (370 km) sin 38◦ = 228 km

(Since these are intermediate results, we keep an extra sig fig to avoid accumulating too muchrounding error.) Once we understand the trig for one example, we don’t need to reinvent thewheel every time. The pattern is completely universal, provided that we first make sure to getthe angle expressed according to the usual trig convention, counterclockwise from the x axis.Applying the pattern to the first leg, we have:

∆x1 = (190 km) cos 129◦ = −120 km

∆y1 = (190 km) sin 129◦ = 148 km

For the vector directly from San Diego to Las Vegas, we have

∆x = ∆x1 + ∆x2 = 172 km

∆y = ∆y1 + ∆y2 = 376 km.

The distance from San Diego to Las Vegas is found using the Pythagorean theorem,√(172 km)2 + (376 km)2 = 410 km

(rounded to two sig figs because it’s one of our final results). The direction is one of the twopossible values of the inverse tangent

tan−1(∆y/∆x) = {65◦, 245◦}.

Consulting a sketch shows that the first of these values is the correct one.

Examples with solutions — p. 234, #8; p. 234, #9; p. 389, #8

Problems you can check at — p. 216, #3; p. 216,#4; p. 233, #1; p. 233, #3; p. 236, #16; p. 281, #3; p. 286, #23; p. 388, #3

546 Chapter 20 Bounded Waves

same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (47)

Hints for volume 1

Hints for chapter 10Page 284, problem 17:If you try to calculate the two forces and subtract, your calculator will probably give a result ofzero due to rounding. Instead, reason about the fractional amount by which the quantity 1/r2

will change. As a warm-up, you may wish to observe the percentage change in 1/r2 that resultsfrom changing r from 1 to 1.01.

Hints for chapter 15Page 427, problem 18:The first two parts can be done more easily by setting a = 1, since the value of a only changesthe distance scale. One way to do part b is by graphing.

Solutions to selected problems for volume 1

Solutions for chapter 0Page 36, problem 6:

134 mg× 10−3 g

1 mg× 10−3 kg

1 g= 1.34× 10−4 kg

Page 37, problem 8:(a) Let’s do 10.0 g and 1000 g. The arithmetic mean is 505 grams. It comes out to be 0.505 kg,which is consistent. (b) The geometric mean comes out to be 100 g or 0.1 kg, which is consistent.(c) If we multiply meters by meters, we get square meters. Multiplying grams by grams shouldgive square grams! This sounds strange, but it makes sense. Taking the square root of squaregrams (g2) gives grams again. (d) No. The superduper mean of two quantities with units ofgrams wouldn’t even be something with units of grams! Related to this shortcoming is the factthat the superduper mean would fail the kind of consistency test carried out in the first twoparts of the problem.

Page 37, problem 12:(a) They’re all defined in terms of the ratio of side of a triangle to another. For instance, thetangent is the length of the opposite side over the length of the adjacent side. Dividing metersby meters gives a unitless result, so the tangent, as well as the other trig functions, is unitless.(b) The tangent function gives a unitless result, so the units on the right-hand side had bettercancel out. They do, because the top of the fraction has units of meters squared, and so doesthe bottom.

Solutions for chapter 1Page 59, problem 10:

1 mm2 ×(

1 cm

10 mm


= 10−2 cm2

Page 59, problem 11:The bigger scope has a diameter that’s ten times greater. Area scales as the square of the linear


same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (48)

dimensions, so A ∝ d2, or in the language of ratios A1/A2 = (d1/d2)2 = 100. Its light-gatheringpower is a hundred times greater.

Page 59, problem 12:Since they differ by two steps on the Richter scale, the energy of the bigger quake is 104 timesgreater. The wave forms a hemisphere, and the surface area of the hemisphere over which theenergy is spread is proportional to the square of its radius, A ∝ r2, or r ∝

√A, which means

r1/r2 =√A1/A2. If the amount of vibration was the same, then the surface areas must be in

the ratio A1/A2 = 104, which means that the ratio of the radii is 102.

Page 60, problem 17:The cone of mixed gin and vermouth is the same shape as the cone of vermouth, but its lineardimensions are doubled. Translating the proportionality V ∝ L3 into an equation about ratios,we have V1/V2 = (L1/L2)3 = 8. Since the ratio of the whole thing to the vermouth is 8, theratio of gin to vermouth is 7.

Page 60, problem 19:The proportionality V ∝ L3 can be restated in terms of ratios as V1/V2 = (L1/L2)3 = (1/10)3 =1/1000, so scaling down the linear dimensions by a factor of 1/10 reduces the volume by 1/1000,to a milliliter.

Page 61, problem 21:Let’s estimate the Great Wall’s volume, and then figure out how many bricks that would repre-sent. The wall is famous because it covers pretty much all of China’s northern border, so let’ssay it’s 1000 km long. From pictures, it looks like it’s about 10 m high and 10 m wide, so thetotal volume would be 106 m× 10 m× 10 m = 108 m3. If a single brick has a volume of 1 liter,or 10−3 m3, then this represents about 1011 bricks. If one person can lay 10 bricks in an hour(taking into account all the preparation, etc.), then this would be 1010 man-hours.

Page 62, problem 26:Directly guessing the number of jelly beans would be like guessing volume directly. That wouldbe a mistake. Instead, we start by estimating the linear dimensions, in units of beans. Thecontents of the jar look like they’re about 10 beans deep. Although the jar is a cylinder,its exact geometrical shape doesn’t really matter for the purposes of our order-of-magnitudeestimate. Let’s pretend it’s a rectangular jar. The horizontal dimensions are also something like10 beans, so it looks like the jar has about 10× 10× 10 or ∼ 103 beans inside.

Solutions for chapter 2Page 89, problem 4:

1 light-year = v∆t

=(3× 108 m/s

)(1 year)

=(3× 108 m/s

) [(1 year)×

(365 days

1 year


24 hours

1 day


3600 s

1 hour

)]= 9.5× 1015 m

Page 89, problem 5:Velocity is relative, so having to lean tells you nothing about the current value of the train’svelocity. Fullerton is moving at a huge speed relative to Beijing, but that doesn’t produce any


same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (49)

noticeable effect in either city. The fact that you have to lean tells you that the train is changingits speed, but it doesn’t tell you what the train’s current speed is.

Page 89, problem 7:To the person riding the moving bike, bug A is simply going in circles. The only differencebetween the motions of the two wheels is that one is traveling through space, but motion isrelative, so this doesn’t have any effect on the bugs. It’s equally hard for each of them.

Page 90, problem 10:In one second, the ship moves v meters to the east, and the person moves v meters north relativeto the deck. Relative to the water, he traces the diagonal of a triangle whose length is givenby the Pythagorean theorem, (v2 + v2)1/2 =

√2v. Relative to the water, he is moving at a

45-degree angle between north and east.

Solutions for chapter 3Page 119, problem 14:

Page 119, problem 15:Taking g to be 10 m/s2, the bullet loses 10 m/s of speed every second, so it will take 10 s tocome to a stop, and then another 10 s to come back down, for a total of 20 s.

Page 119, problem 16:∆x = 1

2at2, so for a fixed value of ∆x, we have t ∝ 1/

√a. Translating this into the language of

ratios gives tM/tE =√aE/aM =

√3 = 1.7.

Page 119, problem 17:

v =dx

dt= 10− 3t2

a =dv

dt= −6t

= −18 m/s2

Page 120, problem 18:(a) Solving for ∆x = 1

2at2 for a, we find a = 2∆x/t2 = 5.51 m/s2. (b) v =

√2a∆x = 66.6 m/s.

(c) The actual car’s final velocity is less than that of the idealized constant-acceleration car. Ifthe real car and the idealized car covered the quarter mile in the same time but the real carwas moving more slowly at the end than the idealized one, the real car must have been goingfaster than the idealized car at the beginning of the race. The real car apparently has a greateracceleration at the beginning, and less acceleration at the end. This make sense, because everycar has some maximum speed, which is the speed beyond which it cannot accelerate.


same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ...· n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (50)

Page 120, problem 19:Since the lines are at intervals of one m/s and one second, each box represents one meter. Fromt = 0 to t = 2 s, the area under the curve represents a positive ∆x of 6 m. (The triangle has halfthe area of the 2× 6 rectangle it fits inside.) After t = 2 s, the area above the curve representsnegative ∆x. To get −6 m worth of area, we need to go out to t = 6 s, at which point thetriangle under the axis has a width of 4 s and a height of 3 m/s, for an area of 6 m (half of3× 4).

Page 120, problem 20:(a) We choose a coordinate system with positive pointing to the right. Some people mightexpect that the ball would slow down once it was on the more gentle ramp. This may be trueif there is significant friction, but Galileo’s experiments with inclined planes showed that whenfriction is negligible, a ball rolling on a ramp has constant acceleration, not constant speed. Thespeed stops increasing as quickly once the ball is on the more gentle slope, but it still keeps onincreasing. The a-t graph can be drawn by inspecting the slope of the v-t graph.

(b) The ball will roll back down, so the second half of the motion is the same as in part a. Inthe first (rising) half of the motion, the velocity is negative, since the motion is in the oppositedirection compared to the positive x axis. The acceleration is again found by inspecting theslope of the v-t graph.

Page 120, problem 21:This is a case where it’s probably easiest to draw the acceleration graph first. While the ballis in the air (bc, de, etc.), the only force acting on it is gravity, so it must have the same,constant acceleration during each hop. Choosing a coordinate system where the positive x axispoints up, this becomes a negative acceleration (force in the opposite direction compared to theaxis). During the short times between hops when the ball is in contact with the ground (cd,ef, etc.), it experiences a large acceleration, which turns around its velocity very rapidly. Theseshort positive accelerations probably aren’t constant, but it’s hard to know how they’d reallylook. We just idealize them as constant accelerations. Similarly, the hand’s force on the ballduring the time ab is probably not constant, but we can draw it that way, since we don’t know


same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as ... · n / A triangular pulse spreads out. same is true of 2, however. Only in curved regions such as 3 and 4 is an acceleration - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.