The Daily Journal from Freeport, Illinois (2024)

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MONTANA SENATOR FLAYStilTCHco*ck RevsolDaj Corviplles with the pure food Jaws' ofevhry state i w- a-- Special Sal ej Pianos and Organs' We offer slightly used pianos from $125 upiThey cannot told from new ons and mil sell them on payments of $4 and Dp per month Organs in beautiful high top cases with i f- QALUC1ET BAKltiG POWDER Cilissi is nutfe ol the finest materials pos ibia HEItTH Brrad Bbratts er Pastry lhasaters tt to ncma laapdsj fcy laaiWng phrSidaaa Bad shmmlwt FnnUffUY CsIwMt yu re 'al wsjra aaaurad £WUnUUf eo5bU therrtodwM la waale o( inwi yiiiwsiwwiMUfs ib was Mtarial ilortiaM CahMaat jssotapla alMicht" it wfllkaaplaasiavlhaaaar oilier Bakbgl fnliiny CIlllHET Tkmion Cslwaalla 'v ihed iiat: 1" I wtmniimn Happenings at Lena lltotolilMIIIMI Lena Miss Asalia Lawyer went to Freeport last evening to-spend -aeouple of days with tola tlYMs MImBomIo Penbtalcft and- Miss MyfUo-ClarkrOf'Freepovfr are the guests of Miss Mar fe Crotstr Tho Uiapjhoagaogtbst-hM-bu Working-in ithit vicinity for the long dlstaneo telephone company left telepbono company last evening -T- Mrs: Nelson Bead is numbered among the slCk at present TherijMWial tor toes bdng held St Holley Oroveby v- Lqpf bourrotr 1 slhd considerable are well -atteh interest it sbou -Misses Stella ancTRose Townsend fiftJBfcfHiSSliaii1-' Xlyda vBusa £4mebome today from a' visit with friends in Iowa -The Epworth League social at the ti i ww A Pocafier Accident PV Carroll of Pleasant Valley -rougfatherf Jo Davises county was brougbt herp to 8f Frapcla bospltal last evening to undergo an operation Monday evening he jumped from bis buggy at bi mfwbpd in so doibg struck the ground In such a manner and with such lores that his kneeeap wae broken lot two A physician was secured from Stockton but that gentleman' after an examination of the injured memqer refused anything for bim' stating that it Would bf of do use ae the dnjured imui would hard to be taken-to a bospltat where 'hWcould be prop- Irwjn gnd I rlt treated Carroll accompanied 'tlie injured man here A Rtocee SbCctx Surprised-: Tbirty-fivo friends rof ot MrLaod MraJLT BheeUrgatbered -athis-bomwsix miles 'west of tbo euy last'eVenlng and surprised himrtn 'cetmnemora-tion'of the (wentiethannirersaryof bie birth Boscoe proved blmself equal to the oocaeioui had with the assistance of hie parents the crowd wae given a royal tlme- number of games were played and a supper snot as can be had only at A -country home was enjoyed immensely The voang man was presented with a goidjrateblobc i i Secoad PresbyteVlaa Pastor Tlie committee having' in charge the selection ef a pastor for the eon- ttregattoantlhoaepanl fttotatorian chureh held a conference in the rewster house parjors ycstejrday with Bev-H A Mossef-a prominent Presbyterian minister from Detroit Utah with the result that he has pKomieed-toeupply-the pulpit of the church for a gqnday imbe near -h EUI P-WoMford 1 1( Mj -jQf? Ftohk'Bi5bmeIserTladSw TsmBippriads4vll! MathSrauvipdrtrrso UftM-r in nir wL- 'A DmIiI Oo 1 1 1 a Bqm Me j- Spring loUticSr Political' affairs for -thq- spring election have begun: to" aseumo a JlCampbell has annonnoed candidate on the Demoeratfi ticket for eitjr tmasnrer is a candidate on the Democratic ticket for texroneetbr A MecUagT The members of thfrD-A-R met yesterday afternoon with the Misses Chrlitrat'thetr-home'TJirCarroli street The- afternoon was spent In' completing arrangemehtrwfors the coloniai ball Wreck Near Warrea riJUloofs Central' traInXoi02was an hour and forty-five- minufces late count of -a small wreck' west of Warren starts wew iKe jnakunlieardoi prices in our mil- TrimmedHats- -niaiilditolgT 1 f- 1 i -i asrttS-- -ee Otht-r Botitii nd to bvaveryjleafrant atyairwwblctil uwJbtiufflnsatemiMMUinjto-: xoloo tha members sad friends of jbe toagueaniuttiedi lvtottotenk SIWEMt fawwi XatioiiltolCTqi 1 jr- 1 -Vs -I i -The Fhldiau Art dub held-an annually interesting meeting last evening at the home of' ther Mimes' Roush "The members of-thbduh gavrcintontvventoaf month This was followed bf' a very-comprehensive paper by Mist Kara more on Life of Miss Loeyltooshrthetnravfrrn veiTFenter taimagUalk--on--tIndian-Jjora and sttk- iMbnluU kukiud iressMSinseir fiUttf 4 Ifatton BtBanjtftfriL ljml Tendvraad Tn-aa "Motv -Hats-tkat soldnt SOEoIfi rr-t i- Tiie Lgst of Our 4 Pnt in Ttro Eots to Close da JtL qj'- tcy 1 hat We Save everyjhibg you i twed jii school1 for? the next semester' you want Jouvemrg' wahavFtne prettiest the' largest tablets xmd blsiic books- in themarket -AVe s' huy-Ji froiai the factory and give you T' v'" pnee ff 9 i WT9 -f i r- a wsrammwmai A nst wb Jj wmnwMwmnaivn-A' and best souYenirsiwcL have ever given at thht giw the season oMhe yeaL fail toget brie or mbrri of them very large lime of rcw and: Second-ffamr ISchoGlITcsuMaoylbf: them as good as new atasavmgtoyou VE4ABE -L Jor everything in Office Supplies --V BLANK-BOOKS i OurSpeSalty B00KS- "TT OF ANY KIND i 1 "A -jV-9 h- -k-nr OTTOWAGNER tIOGalena St T-H dt -r If You are on the Fence A (Coutlnued from pads i 4 -h tbs' general indictment framed Ob the gboundless huspldbns of the ie-setsry In concluding Mr- Carter toys: the band of: Pbarlseei who bare their claims' to portend honesty end public attention oft themteclless landefing ot -their neighbor itta useless to submit af question in the expectation of obtaining fair-and Impartial treatment US who -would establish his oita reputation ter rlt-tue by' pointing to- the alleged lack of that quality in others'-ere -long ft 'confirmed habit of dissimulation' Such an in dlrldpif wlll meet law and facta with bpprobioua epithets while' attempting tpi smother the logic of llgnres beneath' air avalanche- of Innuendo and falaehood Front that'claMof the- good people settling the westusedexpectwHther-jjqatkyeoim fort' nor sappoBf biit ony additional insult: and- Codegsof Cbmmtrcs Notds Miss Irene 8chIUinger o( the shorthand -clan has accepted the position of Jt Fisher editor ---of- the -fooltiy-Xil bane MlesNeUle Bucher has com her course i bookkeeping and bUil-naa'practlcaw8haijrell-qualifled to give excellent satisfaction Her many frlendawlsh her auebees The shorthand class organizsd at the 'beginning of the winter term haathe distinction -of being the Ingest "class" irWeTililoiy of tEe school Every member of the clast wBl be needed aefaooa ait qualified' as there le an unusually strong demand fof well equipped stenographers Tne Freeport High school is Well represented byntwwoMto-giwduatie grraoti oSTTeTy-sattifsceory-workr ttoTeyal otherawtUenrdUyi lh the Miss -Bessie Wadleigb a graduate -High eehoMf-ie-eno bTtb'tfysoent tadnitoenroll--Considerable-interest ir manifested shortfaandwtass tube ed in tbnew" shortbandwtass tab ntontlon of Joining it It will prove one of thebtefc classes the school special 'BtfancedsyforlAlI those day' wbq wleh to enroll for anr course qf study The enrollment thi baen Tery gratifying fotboib-da andntght sessiopsjnore than one hnndrea stndente The nsUtntion le In -every eenee of the wdrd lnwproeperous condition WANTED: All loverTDf delicious rckdld serve -food to- sample Toasted Ce- reallne akes now being demonstrated at Schoellel A For ealo-at all grocers- 1-aodSt- Si Son "jLjciytog jx 1 ut Will Sell 1 iyb ato a a a-f -w a Freepbrt'Canniai Peas Prepared ustArdr finest Equality put up inIasoh' wt7rUiQflxsT CiT wi0 pnc0f 1 1 iu jv Silver Djip Syiup 0(p per pail A wyk 7White Owl dorn per Oli a ViHl a sssyq Best Corn Starch per package ri' ifs Xl-pound canoLlStand-ardBakir for 1 aaoeaaaaoaeaa Three Holla of Toilet Qq Psperfor in lots of ten bars QCp for TTjs1bx nuTrm TTifvTiiiaf Pftf lift1 icney i iiTgaesc iw ent Flour we guarantee every-sack- to please you price per $100 nack navaMMMfrM irs -V Poroelain bridge work 0DO Rubber plates best ofiparth no bettor rubber plates mad This is our $16 plate 800 Celluloid plates IOiD -Aluminum lined plates 1000 Meta Vaeuum Bnetion ilates nmlnum p'steF 1800 laformd Maetiag of CoBrr hedtjpTOniicil heldEu informal session this afternoon for the purpose of giving farther Consideration ri K1 to thwproppsed piuningordlnaucer tshfiPl Jl jtoiNI5Eyptfra? jk Jan Card party and dance: at Mary -balk gi- mirrors $10 and up on pay-: onth ments of $2 ancf up per moi Special prices op new piancNt on' termsto suit youi)We employ zio peddlers or canvass era aind can -save you their profit ai We make the pianos and pan make the price The largest 'stock its" freeporT to select from! Reference any hank ThbCsbleCoPlsno8 ILafgs Faetorle-Capltai MOOGkOoe GEO ASTEMM Faatery Bepresentati' Gatena SCOpp kfc' 1 Rore-open Menday and Batnyday WWWtWM 1H1IIM Gfilir Ar Rogers 'IfO ShiaM SpedaL Sale of LWomfiisr vr Mines' fiodXhildreiV- Vadenirtkii 6i rr muchAtjo sicknc totaktrLct-: us prescribe some of f)ur 1 Jnlanyc iFor ths-Boys we have tome JFortha £Hrls lot Union Baits" and 2-pieoe Bnlta andZ-plepe a 4fkdmnte Ibataold 4 toe 2S eta specll 1 VAB Iff mm mm a ad VTmlam Fr MIssos a lot of UnlonButis that sold up to 6Se on ono hM(-st)yr spoelal 1 Dulon Baits fund Xpleee garments that 4-Mld-at-K--MHUFf bf gfMwMi9ao YJ2C I JSaifMfr aaq il Aii eq is 4 1 dne lot of Women's Union Buits aud 2-piece garmpU rX oiir regular ceiit 1 --Underwear special'" I Xtoatarprtcsrrr 'Woman's wool -Union Bnits- sr-onnegurx JS: ssgsassjr-v- i Women's fins wool Union Baits silver gray reg-Tular -'cfaf'sale: pr Women's Underwear extreiss 40 42 and 44 this la the Mo -rode baud-flnished Under- wear the best that la made sale price RyC per garment -xV I jjnlon' ''Soita'enrreg-' alar $825 qual sale price' -We are eloaing ont-our Men's Undarwearronly2 smalliota I' and' will give the sixes of of what we have cotton Bblrts sixes 1-S8 K42 6-84 g-48 Drawers 140 I -1-84 5-88 1-38 6-40 -a f-1 S-S-Grrregnlar price 50c sale price VV: Mm1 Wool Shi Im 94: V- 8-84'-regular price )im 'At tifk Mii $1 Oft aAi U)0 and 186 saie k- few jTT aaacwsMiyaadi an Boa fraes Baehaile Balts 'iakuiooa $100000 far aa satataaeaia- i to fro HU joaaS la Calumet a-e- Notice 07' Ilavlnjf told dot my busIneM wni all persons who are- indebted to me kindly cell wed iMoT Wlll And mi atthenld placrof themewfirmr l-4dtf -r Bire'- $200 work shoes- for 8100 at the dh Jannary ridSiwlr" 7 v- (orrciAL-rrucAtiotr: Report of the Condiflon -r -11 IfrUTr -afr taada to iMMvftoeiialtaUf ar to laws' 1 BiabtiftCfctb'' 0v- i Ijomud diMttnlKUBs Drerdniita sileaiai ahiis wt pNskse tusit-Asaus tfrWLtt loaal tv apnwwj and evoU efr qfav Ve iTire-v UAULITTKa Cvfrital atoak paid fai 41MOOtuOO riindlrltf hT 'pVoflUTTMl expewwiidr taiavpaM-'WW-: PaaMaddepovitv iadiriik''- -r- Alton ad dapovila- eartSA 1 lfctmiiHl tUMMvJlL-vrtUUtL 3 Cberks ICrDkiuW OMHler Sabveribvd aad iwn to bclurv tbivaab darotaonaryIHi ISkai Xdwtiy lDLSKtiUry Pablleu Report If thi CondrUon ns Bank asrai: Lovvi aad dwwiiivm i OwrdraiU Uondi to ann eirea- TMITtn moonco Otbvr toekivad boBdr- Foraitaia nd flituim Iroa avproTvd ifrwrvv fryvatv SM1Mn4 S4Tnono SfiSUt Din from other National -Janki ltiHta Cnvckv aad oibcr eaik h'i kWtLlS KnUv oc olbvr JtMwIv aad Iselteadcraotes Wnu BMmnptioa fend With ij ATteesamrli pereea Capital itoeh paid lq Ilnrplqe fund tuamMio In SayrTTS Dessatad ewtifleetefr of dsv- POSlt MUHiV Tiae eerSiSeatqeof depoatt KSMBLlf Btatoof IUlooU '-1 -I- Coent nfMephaama 1 I A nidtMil esshierof the firs Nations! tank of Freeport do soleomly oaoor that the shove sletemMtil trM to thejxwtof ny kvowk sdee aad belief A UDWKLL Cashier Subeerlbed avd swotwtobefbMsMtbiaSUtb day of January IWTv" -I Pms MrlmvATit Notary Publla CorrMt attt: JOHRPN EMMKRT 'Z WMOWBIOHX boyd itnK fooclx-readicg-atloy-j pnees A line South-worihlBRudM riH paper covered book? at 1 wl(V ocintA for msgazinee There is still opportunity to get the January num-bersiChiCaKopapir8 delivered the city Yellow Front SI Stephenson Bt A tiiiMiufiiw rr 4 -ir Jir 1 a1 anostly mixtures afew garments liaFsold 1000 your choice of any of these for 10 Coats ihopdl'aiK Kerseys ne Astrakhan garments "worth and $1400i 1 your choice- of any of these for if m-J? y- TaLtvy S- :4 r- I 9 i -j Legends1- A fine ealleetion af -dlan blankete baad work baskets dlan blankets bead work baskets war dubs-etc added muoh to the interest of the occasion and were examined with- The duh-wHl meet-next week with Mies Taylor at which time- the samaeuhr jeet will be continued ''V Mr andMrs Wo Otto spent 'the day at Fraeportl There are severaTtosM of measles In the- Howardsvlllb "melghborhoodr John Richart -and daughter-illsa Feb k-L A to of card barty at at I Ol haU Feb- United Commercial Traveler will-banquet TMOA -FetC nfem-eoelal da net ns vvbool at z1nfcton -JV tAnouai inspect lopFreepoti Compiandery Fab 1 under the auaplcre of Auxiliary T-1C-C A- at Grand operAfipuae: ai gt- Fiye loflt-W-oipbaauarrt--Jsrrv- Feb IrOnmub aocletjMfiiHauFrade Feh Modern BrotMfbood of Amerce danM and esrd party at balk Feb A colonial ball at Mb-eoale templa- Observance1 ofLineolit'i Mrthday atYMC A is Feb- ocJety Soetai rat dancing 'ifkdoLal Lrxlnstoh balk jvi FebkHTba lJ AltoGR ValenUM party at Mavonle tom pie Teh Jrnibrb-adelat danMaa'tcliool-at fcoalftow balk celalor lodge of-Masona Tab ttT Ml Ci' A' biialnew man's octal danrtns frcbool at Feb M-Fifi Leslai Msrr nferk alestos hail Mrirptfik' PatrlrkV dsy tnkhiiWJe eardfriuf daheln party! Mary' MIT March JSAfUrnoonL-card party ef 0 to a olL js nx r- March Bpriny ceremonial of Freeport -Cenwstory April m'MargarrtX -snlld dance at Ifrilpdon balk 'Graod Opera House Feh Florence Oita Feb' The Clanemau Feb Eva Tanmiayr -X FeAfTbqJJEbt EteraaL 4: k-Eat-Lynne: -t Feb te-Tbe Girl aad the Bandit: Fair Aaaodatioo The ananai meeting bf the Northern Illinois Fair aeSodatipn will be beldvpiuTaeedayrr Febr'Av-at- the Court 010': wapil--ir card- of Thanks' X-V' -a The children of the late Mrs Sarah Jackson desire to' thank the friends aad-aelgbhora-whoco*kindly asalstsd them in their late bereavement $10 $10 and $18 siitite (Or $1285 at the Jaiiu- TOO LATK TO CLASSlfT pO M) A We have ta Im fintmtoti Jnak et ser a Ivmaa JM Me icna 1-SMlw WANTSD-A cnma teat girl Car scneral iMHUcvrork yoraiaecnt Pjnce llod vim imuiivxaiw lafliiMlfiisS i-suiw Oampeteot alrl Jor ycneml bomevnrk waihlns Mr F-M Ferklna Ms Mtepbeahon l-kllw Uf Asirl FennaaeBi place oases Nowasblns MrfrtfjJnmis TI Grove 1-MIw WANTED-At the Freeport MfS Ooa Snt niMhlnlitr-A- rood opportunity for the right maa Inquire of A Hoefer rvlCDdSts- TO- No SB dtalena stmit: need I bfaiclumltbebop for years Inquire of Kruse IfttFirtbwvenm- amsll diamond shaped sokl ptn with Rotura to Ucors landcetor reward-- -1 1-frMl raw iocker-NsTnvwirth leMds- le wrwireimErAMWkfmcFFX nvV I store lAm I Lssgao Meeting Not Called It is stated that auarrtowaa made in ealliagtho meeting of the Wlseon-sin Btateleague on Feb 1 and thatit rillnotbo held until a month later sTr-Board of The board of education will meet In regular tossion Friday evening Watber-orecfist Chicago Jan 80-8peolaL Illinoi-Fair in the north snow in the south tonight decided ly eolder 1th -eold wave tocfgbt Thursday fair and colder In the a-i The sap rose at 7:17 a aad sets AO Mat tors d'd- fsou Josepfu of Omaha are vlsitiilg Mrs j- Matter on CarroUstreot' -So Blaavw And it ramelo pass tliut oihMl had mm iVfsiVAHt the of ''testing 'L'halloto vav Aryanluod'' sn ex fern five ter to- commUtce aiul called donate dollar for rampalgu fnuds a'dlsSatlslMd votefrtftrr the election were defented Did yon use all those dollars to boy votes ni-jou-promltthL? replied the Tender sweetly second cdnsldecation wd de cMelthst baying votes was dishonest so ire divided all the dollars up and bought fall hate for the cxeicitylvtcpm- hutFe aee tUfttkPoUJIeal rights' in the bands of tbc gentler sex would houeaty Itself Cblrago Daily-News i nmi Mira 7 There "was a toiighty crash and the greartcuirtng csr of the leading lady pld'the-boww-afwhtlfe4tqnkLthe pren agent Jumped out on the tUte walk and- began to wrtte -serl OUfrly i frohlird lbr leading lady she gssed ruefully on the rain of her thonsand-dollar gown up said the press agent accident Is worth at least "Tea ten' I have written this: took her milk bath on Main 1Hillr Xewe MaS tba liWk 'r The German girl who presided ever 4heeoda fodhtain hi lleckoimryer's druf itore wea to patrons who did not know their own minds and her habit of thought was difficult to change like gleet of plain soda" said a stout man entering one day In evident haste as well is thirst i thonsand? VThst have' yon writ "Tog have vnnlils or you hare lew- onf inquired the young woman Waat plala without sfrep Dklat eunmleretand meExskedihe stout hum testlly--j: and the plncld German face did not change In expression or color JFPt ComDanloo'" 1 1 at 'all 'inter: Stef-in a-Coat these not" resist buying Pictorial-Review Pat terns for sale here lOO Stephdnson St I7R ELI abletpai cesstextr acto i Have your teeth extracted SbeOlntelyFlthoutpaln No after effects Painless Extraction ft 0 Rest Silver Filling Gold Fillings $100 up Enamel Filling $20tt Enamel Crowns 000 Gold Crowns bast 22k extra--heavy 000 'firntie wbrirper toothrbest pgl(l 0OQ to tbs smoks fled with 'to cigars been haying or with their prick If their quality suited make Just one move Invest ust 'one nickel ina JJttla Careoa aad you mind wiUbe made hp In leu than: five minntoa thatthails the cigar for yon aad -VF-jonr "daily xpen se aecount" -r-A-few puff will make yon want more tnnmnm-Bnwm Ktra Knonii MEsmiti ununn vnmrni! -fLANIGAN DENTAL FLANIGAN DD8 wilcbxoii Building Peoond Floor Boom ikpen-week days ftenh rt andte-rfi Eveningvr7teb Bund ays- 10 re Hand fi -7 i Harden! Dlstrlbut'r mVc- 9Cii I -vl A vr I I i -I- 1 -t- i i 1 -q i a 'n'" -v -j- v-' -t -r: -t v-k 1 A 1 1 1 1.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.