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thank you!


Congratulations Class of 2014

The 2013-2014 Railsplitter Online Staff

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2014 2014

20142014 2014 2014

“Congress shall make no law respecting anestablishment of religion, or prohibiting the

free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedomof speech, or of the press; or the right

of the people peaceable to assemble, andto petition the Government for a redress of





SpecializedSports Writer Jordan Bryson

Staff Writer Kenzy Cooper Staff Writer Carlie McCleary Staff Writer Marissa Signor Staff Writer Liz Ruby










Alex LouwStaff Writer

Maddie Wright@maddiiiieeeee

on line

Specialized Sports Writer

Tanner Smith Editor-in-ChiefAnthony Caligiuri

Specialized Sports Writer

Amy Luong

Brandon Searcy@YoungPacman04

Graphic Designer







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#c h o o s elove

The week of April 14-18 was Bul-lying Awareness

Week at Lincoln High School. This special week was made to open the eyes of our students to see what bullying does and why it needs to be put to a stop. Motivational Mon-day was kicked off with the announcement “Let your smile change the world. Never let the world change your smile.” –Unknown. In-spirational music was played throughout the school during passing time. Lincoln was cov-ered in Post-It notes, or what were called “posi-tive posties,” from lock-ers to bathroom mirrors

Houston . . .we have a problemAlex Louw Staff writer - @omgitsalex_l #STOPBULLYING

to classroom desks with motivational quotes to make someone’s day. Some of the quotes said, “You’re beautiful!” or “Smile!” Train yo brain-Tues-day also started off with announcements in the morning. The announce-ments were bullying statistics and telling Lincoln to stay positive. During lunch, smiley face tattoos were put on students that wanted one. ……………….. Wednesday was the big day of the week. Motivational speaker Houston Kraft came back to Lincoln High School for the third time and spoke about bullying. Kraft talked

about fear and how it makes us, as humans do things that we can’t control. We fear what others think of us, we fear what we can’t do, and even stupid things like bugs. Fear takes control of what we say and do and can force us to want to put oth-ers down. Kraft spoke about not being able to control how we feel, but we can control what we do while we are feeling these emotions. We can choose to fill the world with kindness and love. Kraft also spoke about how the littlest things can make the biggest difference in someone’s day, or maybe even their life. Even if it was

a 5 second moment of holding the door open for someone with their hands full or just a sim-ple, “You look nice to-day!” to a stranger. “Kindness isn’t nor-mal,” Kraft said as he was speaking to the LHS Student Council Leadership. The Lead-ership students spoke with Kraft about how we can get kindness to become a normal thing. Doing one simple act of kindness can cause a chain reaction, and be-fore you know it, every-one else starts the kind-ness as well. There will be people that laugh and people that don’t care, but always remember that you’re doing some-

thing positive in the world. “There is always go-ing to be about 10% of a school’s population that doesn’t care,” said Kraft. “Those people don’t realize that they affect others around them as well.” Thoughtful Thursday and Fanny Pack Friday were other days filled with smiley face tattoos and ending the week on a good note. Bullying Awareness Week at Lincoln High School was a success. Always remember that even though kindness and doing nice things aren’t “normal” in to-day’s society, you can help start the chain of it.

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Another year comes and goes and so does another graduating class. This year’s senior class in newspaper has been one of the best groups of seniors ever. “They took charge of our twitter account and used social media for something productive and changed the game for marketing the newspaper has been ran,” said Cynthia Sayles, the newspaper advisor and their woman crush. Next year’s Editor in chief Anthony Caligiuri will have a lot on his plate as this year’s editor, Amy Luong, is graduating. “I’m going to miss the sense of leadership and the advice I can get from the seniors, the professional consultant advice,” said Anthony Caligiuri, junior. There’s a lot to look forward to for next year’s paper. “Take what we have now and build with it. I want to look into incorporating iMovies and video segments along with our existing paper- something to get more readers and attention,” said Caligiuri. But it will still be the same Railsplitter with your favorite school’s journalists. “We won’t have any more walkouts and or throwing things. I wouldn’t change anything, I love our newspaper! But we can expect great stuff. Every-one needs to step up and operate at the same level,” said Sayles. There’s a lot that makes the seniors different from others. “I’m going to miss the brownies, drama, the lots of fun that we have and the ocassionally amazing articles. I’m going to miss fixing the sports guys’ article, Jordan’s concert with his fake microphone, the walkouts and things being thrown,” said Sayles This year’s senior staff writers are Jordan Bryson, Amy Luong, Lizzy Ruby, Brandon Searcy, Tanner Smith and Maddie Wright. These seniors will truly be missed, but congratulations seniors and good luck in your future endeavors. ___

I’m going to Iowa State next fall with an undecided major. My favor-ite memory was when Carlos (C/O 2013 staff writer) would rap and when Amy asked Brandon to home-coming with a cupcake junior year. Advice: Don’t bring food in through the side doors, Sayles will SNAP.

I’ll be attending the University of Iowa majoring in Journalism and Mass Communications. Favorite Memories are coming to Sayles for safety, the Cupcake Phase, my infamous walkouts and becoming Editor in Chief my ju-nior year. Advice: Work hard, stay classy, don’t be a pain and brownies are the only food allowed in the J-Room.

I’m going to DMACC majoring in pre-law. The day I joined news-paper and Brandon made Amy mad and she walked out, then Anthony said “Get use to this happening, it happens all the time.” Advice: Always meet the deadlines for everything because it makes things kind of hard if you don’t.

I’m going to the University Of Iowa and pursing a major in busi-ness. Memory: When Jordan and I were playing paper football and we hit Amy in the face. Advice: Log off the computers or Sayles will snap.

I’m going to Simpson College ma-joring in criminal justice. Favorite memories are Carlos’ raps, Amy’s walkouts and all of senior year. Advice: Don’t procrastinate, love Sayles or I’ll come back and you know what, don’t be a jackwagon.

I’ll be at Graceland University studying pharmacy. My favorite memory is the cupcake phase. Advice: Avoid blogs at all cost.

As the newspaper wraps up, so does the Class of 2014.

Seniors in Print - Class of 2014

Jordan “JLB” Bryson Elizabeth “Lizzie” Ruby

Tanner “T-Sizzle” Smith

Amy “Lady Lincoln” Luong Brandon “Pacman” Searcy

Maddie “Mads” Wright

Newspaper selfie: Senior edition

Cupcake phase: When Amy asked Brandon to homecoming junior year in newspaper and he said no. Talk about awkward...

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Our last time together...S e n i o r Banquet


By Kenzy Cooper

April 29th, 2014Lincoln Commons Doors Open 5:30Dinner Served 6:00Catered by Barattas

-Best Dancers:Brandon SearcyAmanda Morrison

-Biggest Klutz:Seth CarterSarah Holland

-Most Likely to be on Survivor:Chandler BatySydney Newton

-Best Laugh:Carter WorthJennifer Balcarcel

-Best Athlete:Sabonis SmithSa’Lisa Berry

Seniors Sabonis Smith, Jared Her-zog and Zach Cook posed for a quick picture while waiting for senior polls to be announced af-ter dinner.

Senior Polls-Best Personality:Joe TomlinKerry Herrera

-Next American Idol:Sam SidesRoselin Anukam

-Class Clown:Kaleb KesserlingJessica Goff

-Best Dressed:Curtis MacVilayMonique Chan-davong

-Most Likey to be President:Adrian MitchellAllison Rodish

-Still Clubbin at 35:Amari DuncanValerie Shepherd

-Best Smile:Marcus AndreCourney Hofer-man

-Future Name in Hollywood:Vincent Cataldo Amberlynn Stow-ers

-Life of the Party:Kyle LopezCourtney Van De Boe

-Most Outgoing:Tyler AlessioEmily Wiese

-Most Influential:Nick ParkerJodi Martin

-Teachers Worst Nightmare:Ty McGheeTaylor Little

-Most Gullible:Jesse EvansJackie Urbina

-Most School spirit:Elijah Younglady lincoln

-Pickiest eater:david bestridhi jani

-best Car:zach CookAlessandra leo

-Cutest Couple:Nathan Luna & Courtney Hofer-man

Most likely to cry at graduation:bryc palmsamantha bale

Loudest:jordan brysonbetsy colosimo

Seniors Sivani Parsa, Emilie Skartvedt, Em-ily Wiese, Olivia Simpson and Annie Johnson wait patiently for dinner to be served.

Seniors Bren-dan Magee, Abby Harrison and Richie Fongda-ra pose for the camera while waiting for dinner.

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2014Charity Ragball

The Fogg: Makenna Chapman, Ja-cob Stites, Cyole Williams, Zach Ed-wards, Rami Galvan, Ranae Berry, Stefan Castenada, Brooke Wilson

Bombers: Ben Williams, Abba Hoffman, Kaleb Shoemaker, Hunter Updike, Brandon Wrias, Ryan Ver-helst, Kelsie Cooper, Keely Sherman, Maddie Fuller

Hit Squad: Arryn Zehrina, Sam Demoss, Vince Filippelli, Sami Mealey, Shane Hartgrave, Grant Shiltz, Jacob Badger, Brain Nguyen, Bryan Richter, Morgan King, Mat-thew Wilson

To Infinity and Beyond: Sam Sides, Josh Smith, Bryce Johnson, Zach Ranch, Roselin Anukam, Kele Anukum, Bryce Palm, Liz Ruby, Casandra Castro, Katelyn Bowen, Alec Hills, Jackie Zecena, Athena Whiteside

Tweeters: Tyler Alessio, Jared Herzog, Zach Cook, Sabonis Smith, Jordan Bryson, Blake Mahoney, Kaleb Kesselring, Sydney Newton, Jessica Lambert, Kaitlyn Sloan, Em-ily Wiese, Blake Thongvanh, Audrey Klein, Taylor Little

Pitches Be Crazy: Anthony Ca-ligiuri, Kerry Herrera, Cindy Wilkin-son, Madeline Jannes, Alex Louw, Dallas Downey, Eddie Rush, Collin McElvain, Alex Rand, Ridhi Jani, Riley Alexander, Dilan Mendoza2nd

Top- Jet Setters: Spencer Davidson, Nick Ochoa, Bobby Fitzgerald, Sara Davis, Mason Cord, Thomas Ken-nedy, Skylar Sanford, Sophia Sanchez, Moriah Knoebel, Laurel Hoogensen, Frannie Nielsen, Jacob Wilson

2nd Place- Team Clutch: Tanner Smith, Garret Allison, Nick Christensen, Raven Sharp, Allison Rodish, Thea Frangos, Joe Tomlin, Alan Blaylock, Matt Rush, Tony Drayton, Jacob Goble, Mason Downing, Billy Fitzger-ald, Haley Johnson, Ricky Tevvel, Rachel Amadeo

Top- Bad Pitches: Rubija Dupanoic, Josie Aguini-ga, Meghan Wilmes, Lauren Bruner, Jesse Evans, Alyssa Hunnerdose, Asher Scaglione, Hannah Moureau, Michael Ryner, Kayla Brady, Nate Brown, Corey Glass, Kyle Lopez, Jessica Goff, Greg Jump

1st Place- The Fish: Jaden Knoebel, AJ Joss, Sam McMichael, Blake Marasco, Anthony Gardner, Tom Chidley, Kenzy Cooper, Kaytlyne Maclivay, Lucas Si-gnor, Talia Marquis, Lauren Poortinga, Mariah Cooper

Maddie Wright, Graphic designer


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Vocal Music Spring ConcertSinging In The Spring

Lizzie Ruby Staff writer - @lizzie_ruby

For the spring concert every year, all the Lincoln choirs perform. That in-cludes the Chamber Choir, Concert Choir, Lincoln singers, the 9th grade choir, Infinity Show Choir and Omega Show Choir. Also, some of the groups from this year’s state solo/ensemble contest performed too. This includes Junior Zach Rauch singing “I Wonder as I Wander”, Se-niors Emily Wiese and Sam Sides singing “Here I Am, Lord”, Sophom*ore Bryan Richter singing “I’ll Sail Upon the Dog Star”, Senior Roselin Anukam singing “Danza, Danza, Faniculla Gentile”, Senior David Best singing “O Del Mio Amato Ben”, women’s triple trio singing “Nigra Sum”, Seniors Roselin Anukam and Amberlynn Stowers singing “Pie Jesu”, mixed double quartet singing “At

the Round Earth’s Imag-ined Corners”, the Elite Four singing “The Quest Unending”, and Madrigal singing “Las s’il convient” and “Flora Gave Me Fairest Flowers”. The 9th grade choir is directed by Mr. White. They even have a select 9th grade choir that is kind of like another chamber choir. The whole choir sang the songs “Let the River Run”, “Shine on Me”, “Si Vox Est, Canta”, “I’m Goin’ Up a-Yonder” and “Let the Sun Shine In”. The select choir will be singing “Skyfall” and “Oh Yini”. Lincoln Singers is the all-girls choir at Lincoln main. They performed “Lauda-mus Te”, “Let All The World in Every

Corner Sing”, “Jambo” and “Breakaway”. The Concert Choir this year is directed by Mr. White and by Mr. Walag. They have been working very hard this year on all their pieces. There are a lot of very talented sing-ers in concert choir this year. They performed “Va

Pensiero” and “Ain’t Jud-gin’ No Man”. They also sang “Hallelujah, Amen”, “Kyrie Eleison (Lord, Have Mercy)” and “Rhythms or One World” with Lincoln singers and Omega show choir. The Chamber Choir has had a very busy year with state solo/ensemble contest, all-state and their

performances out-side of school. They performed “Lord, My God, Assist Me Now”, “Contrasts”, “Musick’s Empire” and “Love is Here to Stay”. To close the con-cert, chamber choir, concert choir and infinity show choir sang “We Rise Again” with solo-ists Senior Nick Parker, Senior Roslin Anukam and Senior

Allyssa Charters. After all the perfor-mances, Mr. Walag passed out letters for those who lettered and the people who lettered needed to fill out a paper and get 1000 points or higher. He also handed out senior awards and those are awards that he picks out himself. This concert was held on May 6th at 7pm. It went really well and everyone enjoyed all of the peerfor-mances.

PrepChoir InfinityShowChoir

LincolnSingers ChamberChoir

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It was a packed house for Lincoln’s annual fashion show despite the minor change of time this year. This year instead of having it after school like usually, it was during 8th block on May 2nd and it was a packed house in the auditorium. This year’s theme for the fashion show was “Bowtique” with pieces revolving around bows. The cat-egories for this year was Avant Garde, Colors of the Wind, Texture is crazy, Between the Lines, Children’swear, Playing with pattern, The New Silhouette and Senior Collections by Kaci Nelson, Monique Chandavong, Rubija Dupanovic and Amanda Morrison. The Fashion and Sewing classes have been working on pieces since the be-ginning of the school year. Students were only able to come if their entire 8th block class was coming to spectate the fabulous fashion show. Kudos to Mrs.Tia Wilson and her fashion and sewing students. Also thank you to La’James students and the models, the show was a big hit this year. Lincoln can’t wait to continuously see the talent students can bring.

Bowtique Bon ChicAnother year of fabulous occurs at Lincoln

Amy Luong Staff writer

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The Stars behind the Stage

Haylie Riedl Guest writer

The crew part in a Lincoln production

LIGHTS, CAMERA, AC-TION! When watching a production you mostly pay attention to the actors and the plot, well of course if you pay attention to any-thing else you will not know what’s going on in the actual production. But what really happens backstage, have you ever wanted to know… In fact, think about what you hear and exactly how that sound gets to you. “We decide sounds through blocking like if an actor/actress is doing a cer-tain movement we put it to where it look right and sounds right,” says Zach Feldt, sophom*ore When you hear the vroom coming from a truck or a slap from a hand to a face action, do you ever think how they choreographed that correctly where it was right on with the action. “You look more carefully for effects/sounds and cues in the actual lines of the actors and we organize the sounds with the actors, says Feldt. When looking at the actors or actresses what do you see? You see their hair their make-up and their cloth-ing. Think how those looks came about.

“I usually just search looks from the time period and or the characters and go off their personality and pull the clothes out for the actors to try,” says Cassidy Calby, sophom*ore. What is the whole process in finding the look? There are so many characters and so many ways of portraying them, how does it become what is? “Finding the look for a certain character is a long process. First you have to search the looks of the era and then size your characters and find clothing that fits and works with the time. Once you put an out-fit together you have to have it you have to have it judged by Sis-sel,” says Calby How are you able to see the show? Well, you need lights. With-out lights you would see darkness with noises, and by just hearing noises you wouldn’t understand the full plot of the production. So what do you have to do for lights to be ready for the show? “In light crew by making

sure there is lighting on stage and while actors are making run through, we start play-ing around with different lightings to set the scene perfectly so

that we are ready for opening night,” says Sarah Dace, senior. Everyone loves conflicts and drama in any situation. It’s just entertaining have you ever thought what could go wrong when doing lights? Do you think you would be able to tell if there was an oops during a pro-duction you’re watch-ing? “Sometimes it can be stressful because if you mess up every-body sees it. Anything

could go wrong with lights whether a light stops work-ing or you use the wrong col-

or of lighting in a scene—or if a character walks on stage and they have a spotlight to themselves and you miss it or shine it in the wrong direction it wouldn’t be a good thing, but that is why we have a lot of practices to be ready for all the changes and in scenes,” says Dace All the things put into a production is for the audi-ence. The audience is a part of crew as well for they watch and listen to what has been created for them.



ThegirlsofFootlooseperformingasong TheboysofFootlooseperformingasong

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Railettes 2015Tryouts for the new yearMarissa Signor Staff writer

A fabulous year of 2014 Railettes is now over and it is now time for the class of 2015 to take their lead as Seniors and make this a year to remember, just like always. Will they keep the same traditions as things always have been in the past or change things and try new some-thing new? Tryouts for the new year were May 5th-8th! The 2015 seniors have already started planning events and what they want to do for the next year. The seniors are wanting to do more competitions and have all dances prepared and ready for the year. State is going to be here for the Railettes quicker than you think. Once school is started, everything has to be prepared and getting ready for state. Once state is over the Rai-lettes perform at the Lincoln Bas-ketball Games and travel to a few different competitions to compete in. The first couple of days during the week of tryouts are clinics. In the clinics you learn mostly every-thing you will need to know to try-out with. At the clinics you work on

technique and learn two short danc-es. You learn the leaps, turns, turn preps, jump kicks and the dance combos you will be trying out with. There are two separate teams. There is a J.V. team and a Varsity team. The Varsity team performs at state and travels to regional competi-tions, they practice 4 times a week. The J.V. team travels to competi-tions around the area and perform as well at the Lincoln Basketball home games. “In next year’s season of Rai-lettes I am looking forward in get-ting to meet new girls and dancing with them. I am excited to start a new year because I miss my team and everything that goes on during the year! The expectations I expect next year are to perform more than we did this year. I enjoy dancing in the basketball games and getting to go to Regionals and State but I think it would be more fun to per-form and compete more because we work really hard. I feel a little nervous for trying out for my Junior year of Railettes because the team expects more from the upperclass-man and its now my year to more

of a leader. I am looking forward to seeing what the tryouts are going to be like this year because we have a new coach and to see who makes what team,” said Sophom*ore, Kennedy Jackson.

Below are the 2014 Railette Sophom*ores. To the left is Jordyn DuBois, Marissa Signor, Vivian Aquino and Kennedy Jackson. They all made more memories this year compared to their freshman year.

Sophom*ore Year BaseballThe goals of a sophom*ore baseball player Marissa Signor Staff writer Baseball is a popular sport in the summer. It all starts during the spring. The baseball players have workouts every day and are re-quired to show their best at prac-tice because that determines what team they are placed on. There is a Maroon Team and Gold Team. The team is separated and placed on ei-ther the Gold Team or the Maroon Team and that’s who they play with out on the field. This season has a lot riding on for the sophom*ores. They are only one year away from being a leader on the team. “I am looking forward to being back out there with the team pretty much, it’s been too long. My goals are to just have the team winning re-cord and for no other team to sleep on us because we will hit back. What I expect from my teammates is more team work than just them-selves. We have matured a lot since last year so that will help us out on the field also. This year is different from last year because we have ma-tured a lot more and everyone is try-ing to get the starting spot so people are busting their tails. Also every-one is trying to win so that’ll keep

the groove going throughout the season. This season will be a season to remember the Sophom*ores,” said Sophom*ore Richie Galvan. “This year in baseball I am look-ing forward to playing on our new field and traveling around the city to play against other opponents. My goals this year for baseball is to try and hopefully make JV or even bet-ter to Varsity and to have a better record than last year. The things I expect from my teammates are for them to try their hardest and to do their best to make us succeed. This year is different because I have more competition than last year so I have to practice and work harder. I think this year will be better from last year because everyone got bet-ter in their own way and that will help our team to get a better re-cord,” said Sophom*ore Donovan Hargrove. “This year in baseball I am looking forward to playing on the new field and being with my team. My goals this year are to get a 3.0 GPA and have a good baseball season. From my teammates this year I am ex-pecting everyone to play their best. We have been starting off really

good so far and still have a lot more to come. From last year to this year, I feel like we have more freedom. We have matured a lot more since last year and that’s why I think we have more freedom than last year. I can already tell that this season is going to turn out good. Everyone is trying their best and everyone puts all of their hard work on the field,” said Sophom*ore Josh Talbert. “I am looking forward to getting better as the season goes on and hopefully make Varsity this year. My goals are to work really hard and get better everyday. I expect my teammates to work really hard and push each other and work together. I think we are all experienced and know what to expect and we have no limits on what we can do this year. I think we will have a suc-cessful season and should do very well,” said Sophom*ore Hunter Lee. The Sophom*ores are ready for their season to start! Come support and watch the Lincoln Railsplitters show all of their hard work and ded-ication on the field.

Above: Sophom*ore Donovan Hargrove Below: is Sophom*ore Richie Galvan.

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Boy’s TennisSetting Up For The Fin-ishTannerSmithSportswriter The boy’s Tennis season is wrapping up with

just two meets before state. They travel to Hoover on Mon-day, May 12th, and then go to Ames to wrap up the season on Tuesday, May 13th. The Team captains for this season are Alex Rand and Jason He. Alex Latcham is a Sophom*ore playing varsity for his first sea-son. “He said the season is go-ing alright, it could always be better.” The goals for the team are to still win a state cham-pionship and to do well in the conference. Rand said, “For me to get better, I need to work on my returns, and not hit it so

hard.” The team needs to just improve on the little things, and

they should finish out the season strong before the district meet.


Girl’s GolfDriving toward a winTannerSmithSportswriter The girl’s golf team started the season at Grandview, Tuesday, April 15 when the team shot a 209. The team is combined with East and has 16 people on the team. The girls from Lincoln consist of Annie John-son, Hannah St. John, Sivani Parsa, Kenzy Cooper, and Am-ber Cataldo. Hannah St. John shot a 60 for her first meet and finished 5th in the whole meet. She has been golfing since she was 10 years and will contin-ue to improve as she is only a sophom*ore. She enjoys being with the team and says golf is one of the most fun sports to play. The girls have 3 meets left as the season winds down, they go to Copper Creek Golf Course the 15th, travel to Fort Dodge the 19th, and then compete in the CIML metro conference meet in Ottumwa on the 20th.

Boy’s Rugby Running over the mis-takesJordanBrysonSportswriter

The boy’s Rugby team is off to a 0-4-1win/loss/tie record but they know if they fix the little things they can be right back in the discussion for win-ning a championship. If you ask around the Rug-by team about how the season is going they will say it’s just fine because they learned a lot from their losses. “We’re working very well as a team and the positive energy is there so it’s very fun,” said Sophom*ore Captain James Reasby. Teamwork doesn’t seem to be a problem for the team but their problems seem to come from spac-ing and honey-potting. If you don’t know what honeypotting is, here is the defi-nition--it is when more than two guys are by the ball carrier ready to make the tack-le so the rest of the field isn’t set so guys can break through and score easily. “I personally need to work on my passing be-cause I like to run the ball a lot and I would like to get my teammates more involved by making sure they’re steep and not flat,” said Reasby. The team’s goal is to make it to State and hold up the trophy every team is chasing down. So they’re also expecting not hoping but expecting to win out the remainder of the season and with Blah Blah coaching this gives the boys an ex-treme amount of confidence.

Girl’s TrackLeaving It On The TrackTannerSmithSportswriter The girl’s track team qualified two events to the Drake Relays--one of the biggest track meets in the entire nation. The 4x100 team of Summer Sanford, Sa’Lisa Berry, Monajah Jones and Talia Marquis competed well and finished 34th out of 80. Monajah Jones qualified for the 100m finals, and fin-ished 8th overall. The track team has made many strides this year, and is moving towards success. The goal for Monajah and her 4x100 team is to make it to state, Monajah has the opportunity to qualify for two events. She credits her track team for the success the team has had by saying, “We are pushing each other more than we ever had in the past on the track team.” Monajah’s goals for the season include winning con-ference and qualifying for state. To get there Monajah says “I need to work on my form, and finishing out rac-es.” She is currently ranked 6th in class 4A and plans to make it to the state meet.

Girl’s Tennis Only thing on the mind is winning Jordan Bryson Sports writer

The girl’s tennis team is off and rolling into the middle of the season with one goal and one goal only, and that’s to win, win and win. “We’re doing great,” said Katie Webb, se-nior, who has been in tennis for four years. The girls haven’t won much this season, but they continue to keep working hard for those wins. “We haven’t won much, but we’re doing great,” said Webb. “Our team’s goal overall is to win.” Webb has goals person-ally for the remainder of her season. “Personally, I’m going to keep work-ing on keeping that game strong. I need to work on my back hand in practice a lot more. That’s a weakness of mine,” said Webb. The seasons is not over yet and the prac-tices continue for the girls. Listen closely to announcements and school emails and check the LHS web site under Athletics for the ten-nis schedule.

Sophom*ore Alex Latcham

Sophom*ore Hannah St. John Senior Katie Webb

Junior Monajah Jones

Sophom*ore James Reasby

Follow us on twitter for the latest updates on sports and information.@therailsonline

The RAILSPLITTER - Home - Lincoln High School· 2018-12-11· Amy Luong Brandon Searcy @YoungPacman04 Graphic Designer 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014. 2014 2014 ... - [PDF Document] (12)

LHSSPORTSLHSSPORTSLHSSPORTSLHSSPORTSVarsity Boy’s TrackOff to the racesBrandon Searcy Sports writer

The boy’s varsity track squad has had a very suc-cessful start to this year’s season. With the Drake Relays coming the boys are working hard in the weight room and at their meets to be successful at the relays and at the district and state meets. The team is led by Seniors Eli-jah Young, Kaleb Kesselring, Jordan Bryson and Tanner Smith.Kaleb Kesselring leads the team in the 100 and 200 races. “I’m ready to end the senior year with a bang, we’ve been working hard in the weight room and at practice,” said Kesselring. At the Drake Relays the boys qualified for 8 events. Senior Elijah Young had the highest fin-ishes of the day placing second in the 110 high hurdle and third in the 400 low hurdles.The boys next big meet is Thursday May 8th which is the conference meet held at Indianola High School. Other upcoming meets are districts May 15th at Johnston.

Varsity Boy’s SoccerKicking off a great seasonBrandon Searcy Sports writer

The varsity boy’s soccer team has had a very successful start to the season. So far they have a winning record of 7-5 with big wins against North and Indianola. The boys have been working hard all off season to get in shape. The boys have also been working in practice on communicating on the field and cleaning up their de-fense. Junior Eddie Rush who has been on varsity for 3 years has big goals for himself and his team.“We’ve been working hard in practice, we also want to score a lot of goals and win the conference and make it to state,” Said Rush.Big upcoming games are against Roosevelt on May 12th and East on May 15th

Varsity Girl’s SoccerEnding on the right noteBrandon Searcy Sports writer

The girl’s soccer team is off to one of their best starts in a couple of years with a 2-1 win/loss record in conference after losing to Indianola in a 3-2 thriller. The ladies improved a lot this off-season with the help of their captains Freshman Sophia Sanchez, Junior Angelica Sandoval, and Senior Kendall Sinclair. The team’s goal is to win conference because that’s something they haven’t done in a lot of years. “Winning a conference title would be a great way to end my high school career and ac-complish a goal I set freshman year,”said Sinclair. “I think it would be very cool to help our seniors leave with a con-ference title,” said Sandoval. As the season goes on the team has a lot of room for improvement and the head coach Scott Voogd can clean up on the mistakes he seen on the field. Sandoval thinks for the team to im-prove she has to get the underclassmen working harder and Sinclair thinks that they need to com-municate on the field more because that limits turnovers. The team knows what they have to do to reach their goals and with the help of their leaders it’s a goal they can easily reach out and achieve. “I need to get on the freshmen more because they are a key contributing factor in games,” said Sandoval. “We can improve on everything that relates to soccer,” said Sinclair.

Senior Kaleb Kesselring

Junior Eddie Rush

Junior Angelica Sandoval

Varsity Boy’s Baseball ScheduleWednesday, May 28, 2014Game 3:30PM WDM Valley Monday, Jun 2, 2014Game 5:00PM Away vs. Indianola Wednesday, Jun 4, 2014Game 3:30PM Ankeny High School Monday, Jun 9, 2014Game 3:30PM Ottumwa Tuesday, Jun 10, 2014Game 3:30PM Away vs. Des Moines North Thursday, Jun 12, 2014Game 5:00PM Away vs. Dowling Catholic Monday, Jun 16, 2014Game 3:30PM Des Moines Hoover Wednesday, Jun 18, 2014Game 3:30PM Away vs. Des Moines Roosevelt Thursday, Jun 19, 2014Game 5:00PM Away vs. Ames Friday, Jun 20, 2014Game 3:30PM Southeast Polk Monday, Jun 23, 2014Game 3:30PM Des Moines East Saturday, Jun 28, 2014Game 4:00PM Away vs. Abraham Lin-coln Monday, Jun 30, 2014Game 3:30PM Indianola Wednesday, Jul 2, 2014Game 5:00PM Away vs. Ottumwa Thursday, Jul 3, 2014Game 3:30PM Des Moines North Wednesday, Jul 9, 2014Game 5:00PM Away vs. Des Moines Hoover Thursday, Jul 10, 2014Game 5:00PM Away vs. Urbandale Monday, Jul 14, 2014Game 3:30PM Des Moines Roosevelt Tuesday, Jul 15, 2014Game 3:30PM Away vs. Des Moines East

Varsity Girl’s Softball Schedule

Varsity Girl’s Softball Schedule Cont.

Thursday, May 29, 2014Game 7:30PM Away vs. Southeast Polk Monday, Jun 2, 2014Game 6:00PM Away vs. Indianola Wednesday, Jun 4, 2014Game 6:00PM Away vs. Des Moines East Thursday, Jun 5, 2014Game 6:15PM Away vs. Waukee Saturday, Jun 7, 2014Tournament TBD Away vs. WDM Valley Monday, Jun 9, 2014Game 6:00PM Ottumwa Tuesday, Jun 10, 2014Game 6:00PM Away vs. Des Moines North Wednesday, Jun 11, 2014Game 6:00PM Des Moines Roosevelt Monday, Jun 16, 2014Game 6:00PM Des Moines Hoover Wednesday, Jun 18, 2014Game 4:15PM Away vs. Des Moines Roosevelt Thursday, Jun 19, 2014Game 6:00PM Away vs. Des Moines Hoover

Friday, Jun 20, 2014Invitational TBD Away vs. Urbandale Saturday, Jun 21, 2014Invitational TBD Away vs. Urbandale Monday, Jun 23, 2014Game 6:00PM Des Moines East Thursday, Jun 26, 2014Game 7:30PM Dowling Catholic Friday, Jun 27, 2014Tournament TBD Away vs. Solon Saturday, Jun 28, 2014Tournament TBD Away vs. Solon Monday, Jun 30, 2014Game 6:00PM Indianola Wednesday, Jul 2, 2014Game 6:00PM Away vs. Ottumwa Thursday, Jul 3, 2014Game 6:00PM Des Moines North

The RAILSPLITTER - Home - Lincoln High School· 2018-12-11· Amy Luong Brandon Searcy @YoungPacman04 Graphic Designer 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014. 2014 2014 ... - [PDF Document] (13)

The end of the school year is coming and ev-

erything is becoming 100 times more stressful. (Mainly because I make it that way.) Getting stuff ready for senior year, big events needing to be planned in Leadership, homework, sports…… Part of this stress comes from not having any more motivation left. About 99.9% of the school’s pop-ulation, including myself, is over school and doesn’t want to do anything

anymore. It’s the truth. Trying to wake up at 6 AM is getting harder and harder, finding the moti-vation to actually sit and do my homework or study for that college Spanish final is becoming impos-sible, and trying to plan things that need to get done is making me more exhausted than I already was to begin with. With all that, I have track. It really helps get my mind off of everything. Having prac-tice every day after school and 1-2 meets throughout

the week, it helps clear my mind. The only bit of stress it gives me is the fact that I’m working my butt off at practice to try to make it to the State meet at the end of May. PLUS, I’m trying to get as many hours as I can at my job so I have some cash in my pocket. It’s hard. Whether we’re experi-encing this right now or not, we’ve all been there. No matter what you have going on. I get it every year! It’s at the point where it feels so close,

but yet so far away from the end of the year. All we want is summer. Those hot days, long nights, swimming, friends, sun-shine and everything else that doesn’t have to do with school. It’s hard to focus on school when you know all this fun stuff is slowly heading your way. What makes it worse is knowing that we have fi-nals those longggg last 4 days of school… Finals are a good thing and a bad thing. They’re good because you know it’s fi-

Alex Louw Staff writer - @omgitsalex_l

Lady Lincoln

This marks the very last blog I will be writing for “The

Railsplitter” and to be hon-est it’s kind of bittersweet. This year I have bonded with so many members of the staff that we hon-estly have became a fam-ily. While I’m sad to leave I know that the next editors will take very good care of it, hence why they were given the position, but it’s like I’m leaving behind my babies. I’m leaving high school on a good note though. I received an honor from the Iowa High School Press Association, a scholarship from the Iowa Newspaper Foundation and a schol-arship from Lincoln. But most importantly I’m leav-ing Lincoln High School ac-

complishing my sophom*ore year goal of being known as Lady Lincoln by senior year. To this day it’s still a popular question, “Why do you call yourself Lady Lin-coln?” It all started after fresh-man year when I wanted to up the excitement of the football games. I just had so much pride and school spir-it for Lincoln. We were so united at football games and I wanted to take the time to show it. Summer before sophom*ore year I started my Lady Lincoln outfits which started with my three masks and after the first game people would ask me why I had them and I told them it was because I wanted to be known as Lady Lincoln. Thank you to Shelby Davis and Zach Cook for persuad-

ing me to change my twitter name to @LadyLincoln14 and that’s when I started my legacy of Lady Lincoln. Today it has become more of just a school spirit thing. I feel like I’ve become an in-formation desk for the stu-dents of Lincoln, especially with all the prom questions I’ve been getting recently. I don’t have time for it guys, listen up for once! Also, the information has been on Twitter for months and people repeatedly ask me in front of other people, like stay informed. Sometimes I want to hide from all the questions, but at the same moment I’m kind of proud of myself for being the per-son that people come to for information. I’m so happy I got nominated by you guys as “Most School Spirit”

considering other people could’ve filed the position also. Although it wasn’t the year I was expecting it was a great year and I’m ex-cited to be moving on with my life and take the memo-ries I’ve made from here. Hopefully I can function the same when I go to Iowa majoring in Journalism and Mass Communications and Political Science, so I’m in for a rough time. But thank you for the memories Lin-coln, you know I’ll be cry-ing to myself every day for the next few months before I go off to college. I’ll see you all next homecoming or Thanksgiving, but until then remember to stay classy. Until next time, Lady Lin-coln is out.

TimeAmy Luong Editor-in-chief

END of the YEAR s t r e s s


Back to the beginning

nally the end of the year when they come around for the second time, but they’re also bad because they could either make or break your grade. It de-pends on the teacher, real-ly. But RELAXXXXX… Take a deep breath and try your very best to not stress about these things, because all that it does is make everything worse. SMILE and enjoy your last few weeks of the school year. Try not to have a meltdown. :) (I should take my own advice…)



The RAILSPLITTER - Home - Lincoln High School· 2018-12-11· Amy Luong Brandon Searcy @YoungPacman04 Graphic Designer 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014. 2014 2014 ... - [PDF Document] (14)

My advice to the Class of 2015 #onemoreyear

Kenzy Cooper Staff writer As the end of Junior year approaches for the class of 2015, one thing is on our mind; Graduation. Seniori-tis is really starting to kick in and even though the cur-rent seniors haven’t even graduated yet, us juniors are beginning to get antsy about our upcoming senior year. College visits have begun for most of us and were all pretty anxious to get out of high school. While we crave for something different, sick of being treated like a little kid or just sick of the peo-ple we have been dealing with since freshman year and beyond, we are more than ready to get out of high

school and get a glimpse of what the real world is like. High school is pretty cool and all but only up to a certain point. In Middle School, you look for-ward to High School; it’s s o m e t h i n g new and something dif-ferent and you get the same feeling once you start to ap-proach the end of your high school career. While we are annoyed and sick of school,

one of the best years of our high school career hasn’t

even started yet. Senior year is full of so many new experiences that you only get to experience

your senior year. As a se-nior you get front row at all

s p o r t -i n g events, get to a t t end b a n -q u e t a n d p r o m a n d you get out two w e e k s before the un-

derclassmen. Senior year seems pretty legit. We are sick of high school but the best year hasn’t even started

yet. We have so much more to look forward to and while so many of us are dwelling on the fact that we absolute-ly cannot wait to get out of high school, we have to en-joy it because we will look back at our senior year in 20 years and remember how awesome it was. We don’t want to look back and regret how we didn’t fully enjoy our senior year because we were too busy wanting it to end. My ad-vice to the rest of the Class of 2015 is to enjoy your se-nior year because it really is one of the best times of your life.

Marissa’s Moments

Preparing for my Junior Year- Goals IncludedMarissa Signor Staff writer

It’s the end of my soph-omore year and from what I have heard from several upper-

classman is that Junior year is the hardest year of high school. You have to take many tests junior year and I am not good with taking tests at all! What I am looking most forward to my junior year is the football games and performing in pep assem-blies with the Railettes! For my junior year, I want to get involved with going and watching the Lincoln games and supporting all the teams.

I have a very busy sched-ule and I am always busy. I dance over 30 hours a week and barely have time to do homework. That concerns me for next year because what I have heard from the class of 2015 is that there is hours of homework. When I get an assignment I usu-ally try and get it completed as fast as I can. I hope next year for my junior year that my grades are as good as they are now. My goals are to have over a 3.8, and to have all As with an excep-tion of only one or two Bs. After I graduate high school I want to go into

pediatric nursing. I applied for the nursing program at C e n t r a l C a m p u s and got accepted! When I found out I got ac-cepted, I was be-yond ex-cited and c o u l d n ’ t wait for my sophom*ore year to be over so I could start the nursing program. Once my sophom*ore year is over I only have one more

summer until my senior year. I can’t wait for junior

year to begin because I feel like I will be more involved in the school and school ac-tivities. Next year I need to be

more focused on my school work. From hearing about all the work that I am go-ing to be given makes me a little nervous because I get distracted very easily, I put things off until the last min-ute and that needs to change for next year. My goals are going to be a little challeng-ing but hopefully it works out the way I want it to so I can have a successful junior year just like my last couple of years have been.

“We don’t want to look back and regret how we didn’t fully enjoy our senior year because we were too busy wanting it to end. Enjoy your senior year because it really is one of the best

times of your life.”

“My goals are going to be a little chal-

lenging but hopefully it works out the way I want it to so I can

have a successful year my junior year just

like my last couple of years have been.”

The RAILSPLITTER - Home - Lincoln High School· 2018-12-11· Amy Luong Brandon Searcy @YoungPacman04 Graphic Designer 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014. 2014 2014 ... - [PDF Document] (15)

What’s Up with That?with Anthony Caligiuri Editor-in-Chief

Is it me or do these years keeps getting shorter and shorter? I remember the end of last year like it was yesterday. Boy am I glad things have changed since then. Speaking of change, Newspaper has changed A LOT. It’s a good change, no doubt, but a lot has changed to say the least. Since it’s my last blog of the year, I’m going to say a few words to the seniors who are leaving us with this thing. Brandon, Jordan, Tanner: Thanks for always bringing comedy to the class and keeping things interesting. Thanks for always going out of your way to get the sports done, when nobody else was up for it.Maddie & Liz: Thanks for always coming up with cool ideas with page designs and your way of writing. You guys have helped me become a better writer and page designer with your skills. Amy: Man, where do I start? From you chucking markers at my head last year, to blowing up in my face over minor gram-mar mistakes…I think it has done me some good. You’ve taught me your ‘ways’, and now I know what I have to do to run this. I wish you all the best in college and beyond. I know you guys will do great things. Now that the sad, sappy stuff is over, let’s talk about the future. Starting next fall, I’ll be the oldest guy on staff starting my 3rd year. I suppose that’s kind of cool, but it’s also a big responsi-bility. Plus, we only have three people signed up for Newspaper so far, so that is making the transition a little stressful. Besides that, I’m looking forward to being a senior, because next year has great potential. I have a lot of great ideas for this paper as well as senior activities for the Class of 2015 that I think everyone will like. I can’t wait to kick things off at the Football games, and take in all of what Senior Year has to offer. Thanks (mom) for reading these issues, proving that I don’t just sit in class and do nothing. Be sure to follow me on twitter @Anthony_theCal, and also follow @TheRailsplitter for updates on our paper and the school. That about wraps it up for this year. For now, enjoy summer, get a tan, kiss someone, be safe and have fun. I know I will. Go Rails!

ThaTs all folks!

Anthony, Kenzy and Alex are now in charge, who knows what will happen. Check out our new issues starting this fall to find out!

THANK YOU! for reading THE RAILSPLITTERWe are happy you take time to check us out, and we are excited to

start a new year! For now, follow us on twitter @TheRailsOnline

#newyear #newrailsplitter

The RAILSPLITTER - Home - Lincoln High School · 2018-12-11 · Amy Luong Brandon Searcy @YoungPacman04 Graphic Designer 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014. 2014 2014 ... - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.